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  2. United States v. Approximately 64,695 Pounds of Shark Fins


    Shark Conservation Act. United States v. Approximately 64,695 Pounds of Shark Fins (520 F.3d 976) is a 2008 decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit concerning civil forfeiture in admiralty law. Judge Stephen Reinhardt wrote for a three-judge panel that ordered that the shark fins be returned to their owners ...

  3. Tuna-Dolphin GATT Case (I and II) - Wikipedia


    The controversy and initial ban by United States on tuna imports from Mexico was based on the "taking" prohibition in the MMPA (Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972).The MMPA requires a general prohibition on "taking" and importation into the United States of marine mammals including (harassment, hunting, killing, capture, or any attempts thereof) unless explicitly authorized.

  4. Shrimp-Turtle Case - Wikipedia


    Similar to the Shrimp and Turtle Case was Dolphin Tuna Case in the 1990s. Fishermen used a process called "setting on dolphins" to catch tuna. The tuna tended to swim underneath the dolphin, so fishermen threw nets over the dolphin to catch the tuna underneath. Dolphin often were trapped in the nets and drowned.

  5. Dolphin safe label - Wikipedia


    Dolphin-safe labels are used to denote compliance with laws or policies designed to minimize dolphin fatalities during fishing for tuna destined for canning. [1] Some labels impose stricter requirements than others. Dolphin-safe tuna labeling originates in the United States. [2] The term Dolphin Friendly is often used in Europe, and has the ...

  6. Divers recover 2 bodies following sinking of luxury yacht off ...


    Divers scouring the wreck of the luxury yacht that sank off the coast of Sicily have found the bodies of two of the six passengers who were missing, a source close to the matter said on Wednesday.

  7. Atlantic bluefin tuna - Wikipedia


    Atlantic bluefin tuna

  8. International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas


    Tuna and tuna-like fishes are highly migratory, and stocks cross numerous international boundaries.ICCAT is involved in management of 30 species, including the Atlantic bluefin (Thunnus thynnus thynnus), yellowfin (T. albacares), albacore (T. alalunga) and bigeye tuna (T. obesus); from the billfishes, swordfish (Xiphias gladius), white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus), blue marlin (Makaira ...

  9. Rare Video Captures Coyote Playing with Back Yard Toys Just ...


    The coyote was playing with their Golden Retriever's toys. The news outlet reports that at one point the coyote even threw the toy in the bushes and then went after it. Roger said that as the ...