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  2. Writing idea for Mom's Book needed | ProTeacher Community


    Does anyone have either a poem or writing idea that my third grade students can write in or around their handprint for a book we are making for Mother's Day? I want something different then the old traditional one about the handprints on the wall that you would usually find in kindergarten or...

  3. Vista Print Wish List | ProTeacher Community


    Here is a Vista Print link for those who just can't get enuff stuff! edited; link did not work. Sorry! Wanted to delete but no delete option sho

  4. Book nooks? Fun seating? | ProTeacher Community


    Fun seating In addition to the ideas above you might want to think about folding camp/lawn chairs. The kind that come in a bag and fold up but still stand are perfect because you can find them in great bright colors and usually $5-7.

  5. Character Education Activities | ProTeacher Community


    Character Building This year I read the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today by Carol McCloud. The story talks about being a bucket filler or a bucket dipper.

  6. Tense and Irregular verb file | ProTeacher Community


    For grammar I mostly taught subject/verb and prepostions in the 7th and 8th grade. By the 8th I got into irregular verbs and tense mostly, and here is the file. I NEVER used it all in one year, but came pretty close with one group, many of whom couldn't write consistenty in one tense to save...

  7. Saturday Survey:) | ProTeacher Community


    1. What is your favorite month of the year? Why? 2. Was this summer warmer or cooler than usual for your area

  8. Saturday Survey:) | ProTeacher Community


    1.) What will you do on your first day of summer vacation? 2.) Do you ever buy yourself flowers or buy flowers to brighten up your home? 3.)

  9. home security | ProTeacher Community


    Simpli Safe.. I had for my apartment years ago. It's much cheaper but a little more fisher price looking .. ...