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  2. Central Bank of the Republic of China


    3rd Financial Statistics Monthly, Republic of China (Taiwan) 4th New Taiwan Dollar Notes and Coins; 5th NT Dollar Exchange Rates (Daily)

  3. Central Bank of the Republic of China-Press Releases-Monetary...


    Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) PRESS RELEASE Release Date: December 14, 2023. Monetary Policy Decision of the Board Meeting (2023Q4)

  4. 中央銀行-中文版


    Asian Development Bank (ADB)(另開視窗) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)(另開視窗) Bank for International Settlements (BIS)(另開視窗) Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)(另開視窗) European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)(另開視窗) Financial Stability Forum(另開視窗)

  5. Central Bank of the Republic of China-Press Releases-Monetary...


    Taiwan's economy is projected to exhibit strong growth this year, albeit with divergence among different sectors, and is also expected to post solid growth next year as the global economic recovery continues onwards amid potential downside risks.

  6. Central Bank of the Republic of China-Press Releases-Monetary...


    Private consumption would also continue expanding next year thanks to the planned minimal wage hike and public sector pay raise, albeit with slower year-on-year growth than 2023 owing to a higher base effect. The Bank expected Taiwan's economy to grow by 3.08% in 2024.

  7. Welcome to visit the website, “About the Bank”, including Organizations, Governor and Deputy Governors, Operations of the Bank and Central Bank of China (an Introduction). Hope you can know more about the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) through the brief guild.

  8. Central Bank of the Republic of China-Press Releases-Financial...


    Meanwhile, the annual growth rate increased from 7.60% at the end of the previous month to 7.75% mainly because of faster growth in bank claims on the government and the private sector.

  9. Assets and Liabilities of Central Bank (Continued)[ Excel ][ PDF ] 9.Consolidated Assets and Liabilities of Other Monetary Financial Institutions ... The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License ( Taiwan / v3.0). Uses are permitted with credit to the original.

  10. In general, capital can flow freely in and out of Taiwan. The CBC’s management philosophy of its foreign exchange reserves centers around liquidity, security, and profitability. The foreign exchange reserves have also been used to promoting economic development and industrial upgrading.

  11. (1) The central bank's discount rate (the policy variable rate). (2) Deposit rate: Average of 1-year deposit rates of the five leading domestic banks. (3) Loan rate: Average of base lending rates of the five leading domestic banks.