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  2. What are the Limits to Confidentiality in Therapy?


    Well, for therapists the limits include four things: Suspicion of child abuse (any person under 18 years of age) of any kind (physical, sexual, verbal, neglect, etc.) Suspicion of elder* abuse (any person over 65 years of age) of any kind (physical, sexual, financial, verbal, neglect, etc.).

  3. This video features a counseling role-play in which the limits of confidentiality for counseling are explained.

  4. Explaining Counseling Confidentiality to Clients


    Clinicians should explain the meaning and limitations to confidentiality to clients during the very first session and reiterate them throughout treatment. If we want clients to be honest with us about their problems, they need to understand from the very start what information we’ll keep private.

  5. The Limits of Confidentiality: Informed Consent and Psychotherapy


    Some psychotherapists and ethicists might argue that a patient always has a right and ought to know the limits of confidentiality at the outset of any treatment.

  6. The Limits of Confidentiality: Informed Consent and Psychotherapy


    The Limits of Confidentiality: Informed Consent and Psychotherapy William Connor Darby, M.D., Robert Weinstock, M.D. Sound ethical decision making is essential to astute and compassionate clinical care. Wise practitioners readily identify and reflect on the ethical aspects of their work. They engage, often intuitively and without much fuss, in

  7. Protecting your privacy: Understanding confidentiality in...


    Confidentiality is a respected part of psychology's code of ethics. Psychologists understand that for people to feel comfortable talking about private and revealing information, they need a safe place to talk about anything they'd like, without fear of that information leaving the room.

  8. Confidentiality Limits in Psychotherapy: Ethics Checklists for...


    Ethics codes give therapists the ethical freedom to disclose informa-tion without client consent when they are required by law to do so, as well as the ethical freedom to limit confidentiality by policy in certain other circumstances.

  9. Potential ethical violations - American Psychological Association...


    Your psychologist should let you know the limits of confidentiality and explain how confidential records are stored. Informed consent. Your psychologist should give you the information you need to give informed consent right from the start. Topics to discuss include: Limits of confidentiality. Nature and extent of your psychologist’s record ...

  10. Therapy and Confidentiality - Psychology Today


    Therapists take confidentiality very seriously and only break it when necessary in a few clear exceptions. What Are the Expectations of Confidentiality in Therapy? Confidentiality plays a key...

  11. Confidentiality and informed consent in counselling and ... -...

    pacfa.org.au/common/Uploaded files/PCFA/Documents/Research/Confidentiality-and...

    time to engage clients in an explanatory conversation around limits of confidentiality and informed consent in order to be assured that clients fully understand and consent to therapy, and fully understand what confidentiality entails, and when it may be breached.