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I know times are rough especially considering the outcome of the presidential election. A lot of people don’t seem to realise that women (especially black women) will be getting the short end of the stick, but black women wont only face discrimination based on their gender, but also racial...
I can’t believe I’m saying this but I really think black women need to ease up with this sjw stuff online. I see all over X, that there are a bunch of black women, mostly, fighting with Latinos over Trump’s win on Wednesday. A good amount of these women are just letting loose with the hate speech on Elon’s app, against Latinos.
Dear Black women: If you're single and hetero, don't give any of these men any sëx. I don't care, I don't care. If you're that horny, masturbate or get your tubes tied (unles
Dark skinned women and brown skinned women assume that light-skinned women have the same vested interest in shunning colorist black men as they do. Why is that? I've never seen people shocked that a white woman was willing to date a black man that clearly harbored disdain for black women.
Black women tend to overly identify with their race and ignore other elements of their personhood. We can argue that the world won't let us forget our blackness but sometimes I think black women overly respond to what people expect of us. I was watching a commentary video about how black women...
They still mad they couldnt control the Black woman vote. You got damn right we didn't vote for a white supremacist in droves, on the hopes he would see us as some of the good ones. We call that being fµck!ng smart. Please get some business.
People take offense to black women who anything different from how they feel a black woman should be. Too quiet, too thin, introverted, stoic. Others will always have something to say. As long as you’re comfortable in your skin, the rest is just noise
We as Black women are gonna understand quickly that although we are helpful. We are not the all end be all for these other groups. Its not other groups problems. that we have ***** issue, we decide to disregard what we got going on to soley focus on other, we lack boundaries, we don't gatekeep properly, Just because they call doesn't mean that ...
Women who are always saying "Black Women are undesirable" are Women who feel unattractive, or they're obese and couldn't get a Man if their life depended on it. They feel like sh*t and they want to put ALL Black Women on their level. And also keep in mind that a lot of people who say anti-Black things online are not actually Black.
Non-black women do not reciprocate love for black men especially not on their social media platforms most non-black women love and reciprocate the men of their own race. I've seen black men creating whole social media accounts dedicated to pawgs and ww without any reciprocation.