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Catathrenia or nocturnal groaning is a sleep-related breathing disorder, consisting of end-inspiratory apnea (breath holding) and expiratory groaning during sleep.It describes a rare condition characterized by monotonous, irregular groans while sleeping. [1]
Dyspnea is typically the sensation of feeling short of breath and should not be confused with rapid breathing , excessive breathing or hyperventilation. [5] Once dyspnea is properly identified, it is important to differentiate between acute and chronic dyspnea, typically through a detailed physical exam and observation of the person's breathing ...
The drum is very loud, allowing it to be heard clearly as a solo instrument over a large percussion ensemble. The Malinké people say that a skilled drummer is one who "can make the djembe talk", meaning that the player can tell an emotional story (the Malinké never used the djembe as a signaling drum ).
Desperate for some kind of sensation, I shoveled a spoonful of the sauce into my mouth. I could feel its hot temperature, chunky texture and overall saltiness but, according to my taste buds, it ...
Rozin describes orthonasal smell as “breathing in” and retronasal smell as “breathing out.” In 1982, he devised an experiment in which he trained participants to accurately recognize smells orthonasally before introducing them to the back of the mouth, at which point the success rate fell drastically, demonstrating that smell operates ...
Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. The sound may be soft or loud and unpleasant. Snoring during sleep may be a sign, or first alarm, of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Research suggests that snoring is one of the factors of sleep deprivation.
The drum typically weighs 5–15 lb (2.3–6.8 kg). The world record was caught on Nickajack Lake in Tennessee, and weighed in at 54 lb 8 oz (24.7 kg). [12] The freshwater drum is frequently gray or silvery but may be more bronze or brown colored, common in the Lake Erie population.
Sometimes black drum are caught on spoons and jigs. [citation needed] Black drum are reported to mouth a natural bait, so anglers need to wait a few seconds before setting the hook. [14] Once a big adult drum grabs the bait, it takes off with gusto, and can put up quite a fight. An unsecured rod can easily be pulled into the water.