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  2. Internal Revenue Service Go to www.irs.gov/Form8821 for instructions and the latest information. . Don’t sign this form unless all applicable lines have been completed. Telephone. Don’t use Form 8821 to request copies of your tax returns or to authorize someone to represent you. See instructions. OMB No. 1545-1165 . For IRS Use Only

  3. About Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization


    Form 8821 is used to authorize certain entities to review confidential information in any IRS office for the type of tax and the years or periods listed. Information about Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization, including recent updates, related forms, and instructions on how to file.

  4. Form 8821 authorizes the IRS to disclose your confidential tax information to the person you designate. This form is provided for your convenience and its use is voluntary. The information is used by the IRS to determine what confidential tax information your designee can inspect and/or receive.

  5. IRS Form 8821: Understanding Tax Information Authorization -...


    This comprehensive guide will walk you through the purpose of Form 8821, how to fill it out properly, its relationship to Form 2848, working with a tax professional, and the confidentiality and security concerns associated with authorizing a third party to access your tax information.

  6. Instructions for Form 8821 (Rev. January 2021) - eSign


    how to submit your Form 8821 from the options below. If you use an electronic signature (see Electronic Signatures below), you must submit your Form 8821 online. • Online. Submit your Form 8821 securely at IRS.gov/ Submit8821. Note. You will need to have a Secure Access account to submit your Form 8821 online. For more information on

  7. Tax Information Authorization (Form 8821) - H&R Block


    IRS Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization, allows the individual, corporation, firm, organization, or partnership that you choose to obtain information about your tax account from the IRS, but they cannot act on your behalf.

  8. IRS Form 8821 Instructions - Tax Information Authorization


    What is IRS Form 8821? IRS Form 8821, Taxpayer Information Authorization, is the official IRS form that taxpayers may use to authorize the IRS to release specific account information to a third party.

  9. IRS Form 8821: everything you need to know - Blog


    Form 8821 grants you or your firm access to a taxpayers tax information directly from the IRS. It’s worth filling out if you are helping a client with tax planning, tax return filing or tax advisory, for example.

  10. Submit Forms 2848 and 8821 online | Internal Revenue Service


    You can securely submit online for your clients Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative and Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization.

  11. What is the IRS Form 8821? If you’re not familiar, the IRS Form 8821 allows you to choose someone who can receive your tax information for any tax queries needed over a specific time period. Keep in mind that this person doesn’t necessarily have to be your tax professional.