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Pinfinder - IOS Restrictions Passcode Finder Hi all, For those who forgot their restrictions passcode but are unable to recover it since IOS12 via the conventional way ( by file browsing to and crack the passcode online), below a free tool that allows you to recover this.
I found a pretty cool website and tool called For a sec I thought I found a way how to actually get the passcode but pinfinder only works up to iOS 12.4. I think you can’t really get the passcode just using only your phone because iOS is just too safe. So please if you know about any tools like pinfinder let me know.
Discussions, features, bugs, issues and comments relating to Apple’s iOS beta program. We are an active & friendly group with a common interest of trying out Apple's latest software!
Now of course you could just use PinFinder to get the restrictions passcode but sooner or later, the person who activated your app limit/downtime (parent maybe) will find out. So using this method will work any time and it won’t show in the app usage.
I found a pretty cool website and tool called For a sec I thought I found a way how to actually get the passcode but pinfinder only works up to iOS 12.4. I think you can’t really get the passcode just using only your phone because iOS is just too safe. So please if you know about any tools like pinfinder let me know.
Rangefinders and be very helpful for course management and especially for figuring out how far you hit your clubs.
iOS-Restrictions-Recovery. I've been working on this for a while now and I thought I'd share it. This is a tool that can run on Windows, macOS, and Unix-based operating systems that can recover the restrictions passcode of any jailbroken iDevice running iOS 7.0-11.4.1.
/r/StableDiffusion is back open after the protest of Reddit killing open API access, which will bankrupt app developers, hamper moderation, and exclude blind users from the site.
DFU skipped the restrictions, but didn't reset the passcode. I even tried removing the phone from the family and adding it back in, but it came back with the same passcode issues. It's showing the usage stats again, and it reset the usage requireme
I'm not too worried about my kids using PinFinder as the screen time app documents when it is used Yea, Screen Time is good for stuff like that. But the problem is that PinFinder's a computer app. All you gotta do is plug your phone into a computer. Then, download the backup to the computer.