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  2. Minnehaha is a top college-prep private school for students prek-12. Offering exceptional academics in a caring community.

  3. About Us - Minnehaha Academy


    There is no other school quite like Minnehaha Academy, a top-ranked college prep school located in the heart of the Twin Cities. From the moment you arrive on campus you are part of a welcoming community that values academics, personal passions, and faith.

  4. Student-athletes at Minnehaha Academy average a higher GPA than non-athletes. Our coaches support and encourage the importance of strong academics among their athletes. Learn more!

  5. Private Highschools Minneapolis MN - (Grades 9-12) - Minnehaha...


    Whether you’re a high school athlete or an artist, or both, you have a place at Minnehaha Academy. You will find that athletics, arts and clubs are a great way to build friendships and follow your passions.

  6. Admission Center Minneapolis MN - Minnehaha Academy


    Minnehaha Academy is one of the best private schools in the Twin Cities! Our Admission Office is open and now offering on-campus tours. Visit our admission center for more details!

  7. Middle School Minneapolis MN - (K-Grade 5) - Minnehaha Academy


    Minnehaha Academy’s rigorous Middle School is a a safe learning environment that cultivates the potential in each student, while teachers identify and support individual needs. Contact us today for more details!

  8. Tuition - Minnehaha Academy - Private PreK-12 School


    Invest in a Minnehaha Academy Education. We provide high-quality education integrating Christian faith and learning so that students grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and others. At Minnehaha Academy, students are set on a path of achievement – both in and out of the classroom.

  9. Visit Us - Minnehaha Academy


    The best way for you and your child to experience Minnehaha Academy is through a personal visit. We have specific programs designed for your family to get to know us better: take a personalized tour or attend an open house.

  10. Sports Minneapolis MN - Minnehaha Academy


    Minnehaha Academy partners with Twin Cities Orthopedics for our athletic training needs. They have provided us with an on-site Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC). Visit our website to know more!

  11. Calendars - Minnehaha Academy


    Minnehaha Legacy; Board of Trustees; Faculty, Staff, & Administration; Employment (opens in new window/tab) Blog and Magazine; Facilities Rental; Contact