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  2. MedCalc's Odds ratio calculator


    MedCalc's free online Odds Ratio (OR) statistical calculator calculates Odds Ratio with 95% Confidence Interval from a 2x2 table.

  3. Odds Ratio Calculator


    Use this odds ratio calculator to easily calculate the ratio of odds, confidence intervals and p-values for the odds ratio (OR) between an exposed and control group. One and two-sided confidence intervals are reported, as well as Z-scores.

  4. Odds Ratio Calculator - MathCracker.com


    Instructions: This calculator computes the Odds Ratio (OR) for a 2x2 crosstabulation, which measures the ratio of the odds of exhibiting a condition (or disease) for those in an exposed group, versus the the odds of exhibiting the condition (or disease) for those in the non-exposed group.

  5. Odds Ratio > Ratio of the odds of an event occurring in one group to the odds of it occurring in another group. The groups can be any dichotomous classification such as Male/Female, Experimental/Control, Exposed/non-exposed, etc.

  6. Odds Ratio Calculator


    Calculate odds ratios and confidence intervals with our easy-to-use Odds Ratio Calculator.

  7. Calculate risk, odds, risk ratio and odds ratio instantly -...


    Calculation of proportions, risk and odds, risk ratio, odds ratio quick with this online app. By entering data into the 2 x 2 table you are being given the risk and odds of getting the outcome for both the exposed group and the unexposed group.

  8. Odds ratio - MedCalc


    The program displays the odds ratio, which is the ratio of the odds of the outcome in the two groups. The program also calculates a 95% confidence interval for the odds ratio, the z-statistic and associated P-value.

  9. Odds Ratio - Simon Fraser University


    The odds ratio (OR) is a measure of the strength of the association between two categorical variables. This web calculator allows users to specify the number of subjects in the "exposed" and "control" groups with positive and negative outcomes.

  10. Odds Ratio Calculator | Calculate Odds Ratio - AZCalculator


    Use this simple science odds ratio calculator to calculate odds ratio.

  11. Using an odds ratio calculator helps you identify which strategy results in higher sales conversions among targeted demographics. The findings can influence future marketing efforts and resource allocation to maximize profitability and customer engagement.