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Economic graphs are presented only in the first quadrant of the Cartesian plane when the variables conceptually can only take on non-negative values (such as the quantity of a product that is produced). Even though the axes refer to numerical variables, specific values are often not introduced if a conceptual point is being made that would ...
The production possibilities frontier (PPF) for guns versus butter. Points like X that are outside the PPF are impossible to achieve. Points such as B, C, and D illustrate the trade-off between guns and butter: at these levels of production, producing more of one requires producing less of the other.
Rostow's model is descendent from the liberal school of economics, emphasizing the efficacy of modern concepts of free trade and the ideas of Adam Smith.It also denies Friedrich List’s argument that countries reliant on exporting raw materials may get “locked in”, and be unable to diversify, in that Rostow's model states that countries may need to depend on a few raw material exports to ...
In economics, an expansion path (also called a scale line [1]) is a path connecting optimal input combinations as the scale of production expands. [2] It is often represented as a curve in a graph with quantities of two inputs, typically physical capital and labor , plotted on the axes.
For longer-term analysis that considers the entire life-cycle of a product, one therefore often prefers activity-based costing or throughput accounting. [1] When we analyze CVP is where we demonstrate the point at which in a firm there will be no profit nor loss means that firm works in breakeven situation 1.
In economics and microeconomics, the economic region of production is an offshoot of the theory of production function with two variables. It is a cost-oriented theory which defines the region in which the optimal factor combination will lie. [1] It serves as a map of the region of optimal production.
In economics and particularly in consumer choice theory, the income-consumption curve (also called income expansion path and income offer curve) is a curve in a graph in which the quantities of two goods are plotted on the two axes; the curve is the locus of points showing the consumption bundles chosen at each of various levels of income.
"The limited size of the domestic market in a low income country can thus constitute an obstacle to the application of capital by any individual firm or industry working for the market. In this sense the small domestic market is an obstacle to development generally." [3] The process of economic development as per Ragnar Nurkse's balanced growth ...