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  2. Ars Poetica (Horace) - Wikipedia


    "Written, like Horace's other epistles of this period, in a loose conversational frame, Ars Poetica consists of 476 lines containing nearly 30 maxims for young poets." [7] But Ars Poetica is not a systematic treatise of theory, and it wasn't intended to be. It is an inviting and lively poetic letter, composed for friends who appreciate poetic ...

  3. Epistles (Horace) - Wikipedia


    II.3 – Ars Poetica – The Art of Poetry – (Addressed to The Pisos) (For further discussion, see the Wikipedia article on the Ars Poetica) The Ars Poetica is dedicated to Horace's friend Lucius Calpurnius Piso (the Roman senator and consul) and his two sons. 1-23 – Unity and simplicity are necessary in a poem.

  4. Ars Poetica (Archibald MacLeish) - Wikipedia


    Ars Poetica (Archibald MacLeish) " Ars Poetica ". written by Archibald MacLeish, and first published in 1926, was written as a spin on Horace's classic treatise, which can be translated to “art of poetry.”. MacLeish's poem, much like Horace's (which was written in the first century A.D.), can be read as a veritable guide for writing poetry.

  5. Horace - Wikipedia


    The Ars Poetica was first translated into English by Thomas Drant in 1556, and later by Ben Jonson and Lord Byron. John Dryden, Sylvæ; or, The second Part of Poetical Miscellanies (London: Jacob Tonson, 1685) with adaptations of three of the Odes, and one Epode. Philip Francis, The Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Seculare of Horace (Dublin, 1742 ...

  6. Odes 1.5 - Wikipedia


    The last words of the ode, potenti ... maris deo ' to the god who has power over the sea ' are found in the manuscripts and in the ancient commentator Porphyrio; nonetheless, Nisbet and Hubbard in their commentary (1970), following a conjecture of Zielinski (1901), [4] suggest that the original reading may have been potenti ... maris deae ' to the goddess who has power over the sea ', i.e. Venus.

  7. Ut pictura poesis - Wikipedia


    Ut Pictura Poesis, by Charles François Hutin. Ut pictura poesis is a Latin phrase literally meaning "as is painting so is poetry".The statement (often repeated) occurs most famously in Horace's Ars Poetica, near the end, immediately after another famous quotation, "bonus dormitat Homerus", or "even Homer nods" (an indication that even the most skilled poet can compose inferior verse):

  8. Geoffrey of Vinsauf - Wikipedia


    The Poetria nova is a 2,000-line poem written around 1210 in Latin hexameters and dedicated to Pope Innocent III.The Poetria nova aimed to replace the standard text on verse composition, Horace's Ars Poetica called the Poetria in the Middle Ages, which was widely read and commented upon in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.

  9. Poetics (Aristotle) - Wikipedia


    Aristotle divides the art of poetry into verse drama (comedy, tragedy, and the satyr play), lyric poetry, and epic. The genres all share the function of mimesis, or imitation of life, but differ in three ways that Aristotle describes: Differences in music rhythm, harmony, meter, and melody. Difference of goodness in the characters.