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  2. Im trying to write a function that takes my decimal degrees (lat or long) and converts them to DMS degrees minutes seconds. I know I am meant to times the decimal point number by 60 then it's decimal

  3. How to convert degree minute second to degree decimal


    I receive the latitude and longitude from GPS with this format: Latitude : 78°55'44.29458"N I need convert this data to: latitude: 78.9288888889 I found this code here: link import re def dms...

  4. If you want to handle negatives properly, the first non-zero measure is set negative. It is counter to common practice to specify all of degrees, minutes and seconds as negative (Wikipedia shows 40° 26.7717, -79° 56.93172 as a valid example of degrees-minutes notation, in which degrees are negative and minutes have no sign), and setting degrees as negative does not have any effect if the ...

  5. Convert DMS coordinates to decimal degrees in R


    I noticed this issue when converting a large batch of DMS coordinates using this method because the number of unique values decreases drastically after the conversion. r coordinates

  6. Since the DMS notation can be used in ... // set decimal_degrees value here double minutes = (decimal ...

  7. Convert Degrees/Minutes/Seconds to Decimal Coordinates


    43. //Decimal degrees =. // whole number of degrees, // plus minutes divided by 60, // plus seconds divided by 3600. return degrees + (minutes/60) + (seconds/3600); This doesnt take into account hemisphere. One thing that confused me when using google maps was when I was trying to convert MinDec to WGS84 Datum decimal.

  8. The translation to decimal degrees can be done dividing by 60 as for any conversion for sexagesimal to decimal: 35º 22' 15.78" = 35º (22 + 15.78/60)' = 35º 22.263' = (35 + 22.263/60)º = 35.37105º (decimal degrees). A more practical calculation would be: 35 + 22/60 + 15.78/3600. The longitude coordinates have an additional position before ...

  9. I am a beginner Python user and I am having troubles understanding some things. I want to convert 2 whole columns (lat, long) in a .csv file from degrees minutes seconds (dms) to decimal degrees (dd) (ie. 46°57'01"N to 46.950278). I'm probably doing this the long way around, but I don't know any better.

  10. C++ conversion from decimal degrees to DMS - Stack Overflow


    I have the following code to convert decimal degrees to/from degrees,minutes,seconds. #include <cmath> #include &lt;iostream&gt; void toDMS(double decimalDegrees, int&amp; degrees, unsigned ...

  11. Converting latitude and longitude to decimal values


    I have GPS information presented in the form: 36°57'9" N 110°4'21" W I can use the javascript functions of Chris Veness to convert degrees, minutes and seconds to numeric degrees, but first need to