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Denise Austin, 67, demonstrated a “compound” workout move for women “over 50” on Instagram. The full-body exercise targets the upper body and lower body. At 67, Denise Austin Demonstrates ...
We appreciate Denise Austin for many reasons—but her easy workout videos for women over 50 top the list. Recently, the fitness star dropped another effective workout tutorial on Instagram, this ...
Denise Austin shared a full-body workout on Instagram. The 66-year-old demonstrated three cardio and bodyweight exercises for “head-to-toe toning.” “We’re gonna sculpt, tone, and burn some ...
Denise Austin, 66, demonstrated a quick, five-minute stretching workout on IG. She says the moves “promote circulation” and improve “the health of your heart.”
Denise Austin, 67, recently shared a “throwback” workout video that combines “cardio” and “strength-training moves.” She says it helps “boost your metabolism.”
Denise Austin, 67, demonstrated a “head-to-toe” exercise to “burn calories” in a “fit over 50” Instagram video. Here’s how to perform the move.
Denise Austin shared a video demonstrating “two great stretches.” The 66-year-old explained that the stretches may help with “back pain” and “sciatica.” The stretches target the lower ...
Denise Austin, 66, recently shared an “oldie but goodie” throwback workout video on Instagram. She explained the moves help “target” and “tone the upper body.”