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The Leszynski naming convention (or LNC) is a variant of Hungarian notation popularized by consultant Stan Leszynski specifically for use with Microsoft Access development. [1] Although the naming convention is nowadays often used within the Microsoft Access community, and is the standard in Visual Basic programming, it is not widely used ...
Microsoft Query is a visual method of creating database queries using examples based on a text string, the name of a document or a list of documents. The QBE system converts the user input into a formal database query using Structured Query Language (SQL) on the backend, allowing the user to perform powerful searches without having to explicitly compose them in SQL, and without even needing to ...
Database designers that use a surrogate key as the primary key for every table will run into the occasional scenario where they need to automatically retrieve the database-generated primary key from an SQL INSERT statement for use in other SQL statements. Most systems do not allow SQL INSERT statements to return row data. Therefore, it becomes ...
An Access desktop database could link to the SharePoint data, so hybrid applications were possible so that SharePoint users needing basic views and edits could be supported while the more sophisticated, traditional applications could remain in the desktop Access database. Microsoft Access 2013 offers traditional Access desktop applications plus ...
Jet, being part of a relational database management system (RDBMS), allows the manipulation of relational databases. [1] It offers a single interface that other software can use to access Microsoft databases and provides support for security, referential integrity, transaction processing, indexing, record and page locking, and data replication.
Any duplicate records are automatically removed unless UNION ALL is used. UNION can be useful in data warehouse applications where tables are not perfectly normalized . [ 2 ] A simple example would be a database having tables sales2005 and sales2006 that have identical structures but are separated because of performance considerations.
The DISTINCT keyword [5] eliminates duplicate data. [6] The following example of a SELECT query returns a list of expensive books. The query retrieves all rows from the Book table in which the price column contains a value greater than 100.00. The result is sorted in ascending order by title.
A relational database management system uses SQL MERGE (also called upsert) statements to INSERT new records or UPDATE or DELETE existing records depending on whether condition matches. It was officially introduced in the SQL:2003 standard, and expanded [ citation needed ] in the SQL:2008 standard.