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  1. Results from the WOW.Com Content Network
  2. Thai-language.com


    Welcome to thai-language.com, your Internet resource for learning the Thai language for over 15 years. Here you'll find 21487 audio clips, over 79398 dictionary entries, 826 images and illustrations, message boards, and a friendly world-wide community of folks who are interested in Thai language, culture, residency, and travel.

  3. thai-language.com - Lessons


    Thai language resources, including an online dictionary, audio clips, message forum, lessons, and more.

  4. thai-language.com - Dictionary


    You've reached the free online Internet dictionary of the Thai language at thai-language.com. It's a dictionary of over 79398 Thai words and phrases with English definitions—and 21487 audio clips.

  5. thai-language.com - Overview


    Thai is the national language of Thailand, spoken by around eighty percent of the sixty million residents of the South-East Asian country. Linguists consider it an “uninflected, primarily monosyllabic, tonal language” in the “Tai-Kadai family.”

  6. Thai language resources, including an online dictionary, audio clips, message forum, lessons, and more.

  7. thai-language.com - Category Root


    Thai language resources, including an online dictionary, audio clips, message forum, lessons, and more.

  8. Phonetic Organization of the Thai Consonants - Thai language


    Thai language resources, including an online dictionary, audio clips, message forum, lessons, and more.

  9. thai-language.com - เชื่อ


    Thai language resources, including an online dictionary, audio clips, message forum, lessons, and more.

  10. thai-language.com - Consonant Clusters


    This page presents condensed reference-style information on Thai consonant clusters. A lesson-oriented approach to this material is available here . In her indispensible layperson's text Reading and Writing Thai 1 , Marie-Hélène Brown characterizes any instance of a Thai consonant cluster ( อักษร ควบ /ak L saawn R khuaap F ...

  11. thai-language.com - เสีย


    Thai language resources, including an online dictionary, audio clips, message forum, lessons, and more.