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During the week of December 5 (which is the most recent data available), there were 91 suspected or confirmed norovirus outbreaks reported to state health departments across the country. By ...
Cases of norovirus appear to be on the rise in various parts of the U.S., according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than 90 norovirus outbreaks were reported ...
Here's what norovirus feels like, some common causes of the latest outbreak, how long symptoms can last and more crucial info. ... there were almost 500 outbreaks of norovirus in U.S. states ...
The CDC reported 91 norovirus outbreaks across the US for the first week of December, the latest data available. That was the most for that week since 2012 and the fourth-most of any week since 2012.
Norovirus cases are surging across the country this winter, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data. There were 91 outbreaks reported by state health departments during ...
According to NoroSTAT Data by the CDC, the total number of outbreaks reported during the 2024-2025 seasonal year is well above the range reported within the same period during the 2012-2020 and ...
Cases of norovirus, also known as food poisoning or the stomach bug, have picked up steam across the U.S.. The number of suspected or confirmed outbreaks skyrocketed at the end of 2024, with more ...
Between January and June 2023, there were 13 confirmed norovirus outbreaks on U.S. cruise ships — that’s more outbreaks in six months than there have been during any full year since 2012 ...