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  2. Malta's attractiveness to foreign investors has fallen dramatically over the past eight years, dropping from a robust 87% in 2016 to just 54% today, according to the latest EY Attractiveness Survey.

  3. Għal-ewwel konsultazzjoni pubblika fuq Viżjoni Malta 2050, il-Ministru għall-Ekonomija Silvio Schembri spjega li l-pilastri li jiffurmaw il-pedament ta' din l-inizjattiva huma l-innovazzjoni u teknoloġija, is-sostenibbiltà u l-ekonomija ekoloġika, l-infrastruttura, u l-iżvilupp tat-talent.

  4. Newsbook TV


    BTW (By the Way) The Handbook. Andrew Azzopardi on RTK103

  5. About Us - Newsbook


    Newsbook (www.newsbook.com.mt) is a bi-lingual news portal (Maltese and English) providing information both on the national as well as the international scene. The basic tenets on which Newsbook.com.mt is based are that the station is deemed to be fair, accurate and trustworthy.

  6. FKNK condemns BirdLife for refusing to act as Malta's EURING ...


    The Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FKNK) condemned BirdLife Malta for refusing to act as Malta’s representative in the European Bird-ringing scheme (EURING) and for opposing the issuing of a licence to a bird ringer from Ireland.

  7. HSBC Malta’s future uncertain as parent company announces...


    HSBC Bank Malta has announced that its parent company, HSBC Holdings plc, is undertaking a strategic review of its 70.03% ownership stake in the Maltese bank. This development comes just over a year after HSBC Malta dismissed reports about its possible exit from the Maltese market as ‘speculative.’

  8. Migrants stranded at sea as Malta and Italy dispute...


    This incident occurs against a backdrop of ongoing controversy surrounding Malta’s approach to maritime migration. The Maltese government has long maintained a working relationship with the Libyan coastguard, ostensibly to combat illegal migration and human trafficking.

  9. “It hurts to not be considered Maltese” - Newsbook


    Joseph was born 19 years ago, 5 hours after his mum arrived in Malta and two months before he was due. His parents are Ethiopian, but he considers himself completely Maltese. Following the deportation of Kusi Dismark, Newsbook Malta spoke with Joseph about his life and experiences in Malta, racism, and his dreams and wishes for the future.

  10. Malta’s economy at risk of collapse due to lack of resources, MEA...


    The Malta Employers’ Association (MEA) has painted a grim picture, cautioning that the current economic trajectory could lead to a systemic collapse if urgent reforms are not implemented.

  11. 52 men brought to Malta after rescue at sea - Newsbook


    A spokesperson for the Armed Forces of Malta confirmed that a group consisting of 52 adult males – was brought to Malta. She said that the rescued people reported that they hailed from Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Pakistan and Syria.