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NU was established in 1926 as an organization for orthodox Ash'ari Muslims scholars, [12] as opposed to the modernist policies of the Muhammadiyah and PERSIS (organization), and the rise of Salafi movement of the Al-Irshad Al-Islamiya organization in Indonesia, which rejected local customs influenced by pre-Islamic Javanese Hindus and Buddhist ...
He became a leader starting at the branch level, then territorial and provincial, until the central executive level. Fachruddin was elected as the chairman At the 38th Muhammadiyah Congress 1968 in Ujungpandang. Fachruddin's position as the chairman of Muhammadiyah was succeeding Faqih Usman after his death. Subsequently, he served as the top ...
Muhammadiyah follows the Athari school of Sunni Islam, accepting only taking naqli (scripturalist) and rejecting all aqli (rationalist) tendencies.It emphasizes the authority of the Qur'an and the Hadiths as supreme Islamic law that serves as the legitimate basis of the interpretation of religious belief and practices.
In 1995, Rais replaced Azhar Basyir, then the chairman of Muhammadiyah, who died soon after his re-election. In 1993, at a Muhammadiyah mid-term meeting (Tanwir) in Surabaya, Rais urged a presidential succession, a very rare issue amid the New Order regime. The political and economical decay in Indonesia during the 90s had Rais call for a ...
The council comprises many Indonesian Muslim groups including Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia LDII, and smaller groups such as Syarikat Islam, Perti, Al Washliyah, Mathla'ul Anwar, GUPPI, PTDI, DMI, and Al Ittihadiyyah.
He later became the editor of the Muhammadiyah-owned magazine, Suara Muhammadiyah, and a member of the Indonesian Journalists Association. [4] He learned on the job at Suara Muhammadiyah, mentored by Mohammad Diponegoro . [5] He then received a Fulbright Scholarship to study history at Ohio University in 1972, obtaining a master's degree in 1976.
He was born in the village of Ciheulang, Ciparay, South Bandung on February 25, 1958. His father's name was H. Ajengan Bahrudin and his mother was Hj. Endah binti Tahim. He began his education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ciparay, Bandung, continued to SMP Muhammadiyah III Bandung, SMA Negeri 10 Bandung, and Pondok Pesantren Cintawana, Tasikmalaya.
Hasyim Asy'ari was born Muhammad Hasyim in Gedang, Jombang Regency [3] on 10 April 1875. His parents were Asy'ari and Halimah. His family was deeply involved in the administrations of pesantrens (local Islamic boarding schools).