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The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science [2] (Rosobrnadzor; Russian: Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки (Рособрнадзор), romanized: Federal'naya sluzhba po nadzoru v sfere obrazovaniya i nauki) is a Russian federal agency tasked with the supervision and control of national education and ...
The MES of Russia was a federal body implementing the executive functions relating to the development of state policy and to legal regulation in the following spheres: scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activity, the development of federal centers of science and high technology, state scientific centers and so called "science-cities" and intellectual property, youth policy ...
TVET in Russian Federation, UNESCO-UNEVOC(2012) - Overview of the technical and vocational Russian educational system; Education in Russia, webdossier by Education Worldwide, a portal of the German Education Server; Russian Education Centre is a legally authorized representative working under the Aegis of the Ministry of Education and Science ...
The Ministry of Enlightment of the Russian Federation (Russian: Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации) is a ministry of the Government of Russia responsible for education.
Official logo of the Unified State Exam (EGE) with the slogan "The Choice of the Future!" (Russia, 2024). USE answer sheet No. 1. The Unified State Exam (Russian: Единый государственный экзамен, ЕГЭ, Yedinyy gosudarstvennyy ekzamen, YeGE) is a series of mandatory, centralized examinations conducted across the Russian Federation in secondary educational ...
Sergey Sergeyevich Kravtsov (Russian: Сергей Сергеевич Кравцов; born 17 March 1974) is a Russian politician and Minister of Education of the Russian Federation since 21 January 2020. Doctor of Education (2007), Associate Professor. Acting State Advisor to the Russian Federation, Grade 3 (2013).
The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs [2] (Rosmolodyozh; Russian: Федеральное агентство по делам молодёжи (Росмолодёжь), romanized: Federal'naya agentstvo po delam molodyozhi) is a federal agency executive power in Russia, performing functions for the provision of public services and management of state property in the field of youth policy ...
The project originated in Tatarstan, Russia in 2011 as part of the "All Russia Competition of Projects of Regional and Municipal Informatization." School Card assists in the location tracking of students, the security of schools, and in parent/guardian supervision of education. The project was developed in partnership with the company Infomatika.