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Once a business name has been trademarked, it's possible to sell or buy that trademark if the owner so chooses. This means that it's entirely possible to reach out to a business owner and try to ...
A trademark is a word, phrase, or logo that identifies the source of goods or services. [1] Trademark law protects a business' commercial identity or brand by discouraging other businesses from adopting a name or logo that is "confusingly similar" to an existing trademark. The goal is to allow consumers to easily identify the producers of goods ...
The advent of the domain name system has led to attempts by trademark holders to enforce their rights over domain names that are similar or identical to their existing trademarks, particularly by seeking control over the domain names at issue. As with dilution protection, enforcing trademark rights over domain name owners involves protecting a ...
A trademark owner who confines his trademark usage to a certain territory cannot enjoin use of that trademark by someone else who in good faith established extensive and continuous trade in another territory where the plaintiff trademark owner's product is unknown. United Drug Co. v. Theodore Rectanus Co. 248 U.S. 90: Dec. 9, 1918: Substantive
In addition to a recognizable name, the brand came with free-and-clear trademark ownership. Reich emphasizes that the brands that didn't sell on Dec. 8 are still available, and their prices are ...
Fair use of trademarks is more limited than that which exists in the context of copyright. Many trademarks are adapted from words or symbols that are common to the culture, as Apple, Inc. using a trademark that is based upon the apple. Other trademarks are invented by the mark owner (such as Kodak) and have no common use until introduced by the ...
related to: trademark ownership individual or company name availability