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Better late than never; Better safe than sorry; Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven (John Milton, in Paradise Lost) [8] Be yourself; Better the Devil you know (than the Devil you do not) Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all; Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness
"Wandering planet" – the word planet comes from the Greek word 'πλανήτης (planḗtēs), which itself means "wanderer". "If you know, you know", a common English phrase. "A pair of two"; by its nature, a pair is two items, so "a pair of two" is redundant. "What's for you won't go by you", a Scottish proverb that is tautological
short trousers (US: short pants) underpants, boxers (take it in one's shorts) endure a painful situation ("He really took it in the shorts that time.") shot Shot (disambiguation) an injection with a hypodermic needle, as in the case of an inoculation (UK: jab) shower spray of water used to wash oneself. a short period of rain
Indicates that something can be understood without any need for explanation, as long as the listener has enough wisdom or common sense. Often extended to dictum sapienti sat est ("enough has been said for the wise", commonly translated as "a word to the wise is enough"). sapientia et doctrina: wisdom and learning: Motto of Fordham University ...
to which the response given would be something like, "Yeah right, and cows fly". Other variations slightly fallen into disuse include cuando las ranas crien pelo ("when frogs grow hair") and cuando San Juan agache el dedo ("when Saint John bends his finger"). The latter is a reference to the common depiction of St. John with one or two extended ...
The one phrase to stop saying: “That's actually a good idea.” Perhaps you've said (or heard) some variation of this phrase in the workplace. "You're actually right."
5. Open a short-term certificate of deposit (CD) A one-year CD could help you earn more interest than a savings account. Plus, a CD’s yield is usually fixed; as long as you keep the money in the ...
On one's last legs [2] About to die Informal On the wrong side of the grass Dead Euphemistic slang Refers to the practice of burying the dead. Such individuals are below the grass as opposed to above it, hence being on the "wrong side". One's hour has come [1] About to die Literary: One's number is up [1] One is going to die Slang: Oofed To die ...