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  2. Convert Latitude/Longitude data from Degrees Decimal Minutes to...


    Re: Convert Latitude/Longitude data from Degrees Decimal Minutes to Decimal Degrees Thank you for solving that, unfortunately it seems like the data is still not showing the points in the correct spots in ArcGis Pro; it may be a wrong setting in that program and not the excel formula.

  3. [SOLVED] Converting Latitude/Longitude when Degrees, Minutes and...


    Hi All, I'm stumped on how best to convert the latitude and longitude coordinates in my worksheet to decimal. When I have seen examples previously, the format has been something like: 46° 49′ 31″ N and 113° 20′ 20″ W (with the entire latitude in one cell and longitude in another) and the examples given will convert to decimal based upon such formatti

  4. Converting latitude longitude to decimal degrees - Excel Help...


    I need to convert them to a decimal format like 43.538724 and 10.46. I'm trying to use a VB script I found, which does the conversion successfully if I manually type a latitude or longitude into a formula in a spreadsheet cell, but I don't know how to have the formula read a latitude or longitude from a cell.

  5. Cell Formatting for Lat/Long in Degrees, Minutes and Decimal...


    Use a formula to convert each coordinate entry into a format the Excel CAN use in a calculation (both the reformatting and the calculation can be done in one formula if necessary). 2. Have a VBA procedure written to do the same as number 1 above.

  6. Converting Lat/Long (Degrees Minutes Seconds) to Decimal Degrees


    An example of the input data is: 12°35'36'',00 and I need to get the decimal equivalent out. Cheers Jez Converting Lat/Long (Degrees Minutes Seconds) to Decimal Degrees

  7. Can't get excel to display latitude and longitude properly


    When I use the format .csv all the columns get cramped into a single column, and the latitude/longitude data is displayed correctly (eg -64.789548), but once I separate the columns properly either by text to columns command, or by getting the data externally and choosing to separate it by commas all the lat/long data displays incorrectly (eg ...

  8. Convert decimal degree (lattitude/longitude) into Degree,


    Need formulae to convert decimal degree (lattitude/longitude) into Degree, Minutes, Seconds format. I have the following: Lattitude data of 0.1741463938 and to convert to decimal degrees, I muliply by 180 which gives me decimal degrees of 31.3463508840. Now I need to convert to a Degree, Minute, Seconds format (N34* 50' 56.04").

  9. Latitude & Longitude processing help please - Excel Help Forum


    Hi All, I'm currently working on a project with data that includes columns for both latitude and longitude which I will need to convert from its current form into decimal degrees. The problem is that the coordinates are in the format DDDMMSS followed by a single letter indicating the direction, which means I have to first extract proper degree ...

  10. Converting Latitude/longitude to OSGB grid ref - Excel Help Forum


    The second and harder problem is that I have to first convert the latitude and lonitude values into OSGB grid references. So far i have found the OS maps excel converter, but it only converts one value at a time. I need something that will convert all of them at once (i don't want to go through and individually type in each distance).

  11. MGRS to Lat/Long - Excel Help Forum


    On Fri, 5 May 2006 05:44:01 -0500, balderdash <[email protected]> wrote: >Does anyone know a formula to convert military grid reference system to