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A kind of opposite of a sorting algorithm is a shuffling algorithm. These are fundamentally different because they require a source of random numbers. Shuffling can also be implemented by a sorting algorithm, namely by a random sort: assigning a random number to each element of the list and then sorting based on the random numbers.
The heapsort algorithm can be divided into two phases: heap construction, and heap extraction. The heap is an implicit data structure which takes no space beyond the array of objects to be sorted; the array is interpreted as a complete binary tree where each array element is a node and each node's parent and child links are defined by simple arithmetic on the array indexes.
This popular sorting algorithm has an average-case performance of O(n log(n)), which contributes to making it a very fast algorithm in practice. But given a worst-case input, its performance degrades to O(n 2). Also, when implemented with the "shortest first" policy, the worst-case space complexity is instead bounded by O(log(n)).
However, insertion sort is one of the fastest algorithms for sorting very small arrays, even faster than quicksort; indeed, good quicksort implementations use insertion sort for arrays smaller than a certain threshold, also when arising as subproblems; the exact threshold must be determined experimentally and depends on the machine, but is ...
Introsort or introspective sort is a hybrid sorting algorithm that provides both fast average performance and (asymptotically) optimal worst-case performance. It begins with quicksort, it switches to heapsort when the recursion depth exceeds a level based on (the logarithm of) the number of elements being sorted and it switches to insertion sort when the number of elements is below some threshold.
In computer science, selection sort is an in-place comparison sorting algorithm.It has a O(n 2) time complexity, which makes it inefficient on large lists, and generally performs worse than the similar insertion sort.
The next pass, 3-sorting, performs insertion sort on the three subarrays (a 1, a 4, a 7, a 10), (a 2, a 5, a 8, a 11), (a 3, a 6, a 9, a 12). The last pass, 1-sorting, is an ordinary insertion sort of the entire array (a 1,..., a 12). As the example illustrates, the subarrays that Shellsort operates on are initially short; later they are longer ...
sort is a generic function in the C++ Standard Library for doing comparison sorting.The function originated in the Standard Template Library (STL).. The specific sorting algorithm is not mandated by the language standard and may vary across implementations, but the worst-case asymptotic complexity of the function is specified: a call to sort must perform no more than O(N log N) comparisons ...