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  2. USD LIBOR interest rates in 2021 - Global-Rates.com


    This page shows a summary of the historic USD LIBOR interest rates for 2021. The first table below shows the first, last, highest, lowest and average American dollar LIBOR interest rate for each maturity that existed in 2021. If you click on a maturity, you can access a page with the most recent rates.

  3. USD LIBOR 2 months 2-month American dollar LIBOR interest rate


    This page contains an overview of the current / latest and historical 2-month American dollar LIBOR interest rates. Latest 2-month USD LIBOR rates Date

  4. USD LIBOR interest rates in 2017 - Global-Rates.com


    The first table below shows the first, last, highest, lowest and average American dollar LIBOR interest rate for each maturity that existed in 2017. If you click on a maturity, you can access a page with the most recent rates.

  5. JPY LIBOR Overnight Overnight Japanese yen LIBOR interest rate


    This page contains an overview of the current / latest and historical Overnight Japanese yen LIBOR interest rates. Latest Overnight JPY LIBOR rates Date

  6. This page allows you to compare the current inflation rates for a large number of countries and regions. You can find inflation figures based on CPI (consumer price index) as well as HICP (harmonised consumer price index).

  7. NZD LIBOR New Zealand dollar LIBOR interest rates -...


    This page contains an overview of the current / latest and historical New Zealand dollar LIBOR interest rates. Latest NZD LIBOR rates 02-28-2013

  8. Taxas de juro LIBOR | global-rates.com


    Desde 30 de setembro de 2024, nenhuma nova taxa de LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) foi publicada. Na tabela abaixo, você encontrará as taxas de juros LIBOR mais recentes. Ao clicar em uma taxa LIBOR na tabela, você será direcionado para uma página com informações detalhadas.

  9. LIBOR USD Taxa de juros LIBOR Dólar americano - Global-Rates.com


    A taxa de juros LIBOR USD é a taxa de juros média interbancária utilizada por um grande número de bancos no mercado monetário londrino para empréstimos mútuos sem garantia realizados em Dólar americano.

  10. Taux d'inflation internationaux en 1957 - Global-Rates.com


    Historique; Home; Inflation; Historique; 1957; Inflation 1957 Taux d'inflation internationaux historiques pour l'année 1957 Sur cette page, vous trouverez les taux d'inflation moyens de l'année 1957 pour un grand nombre de pays, de manière à pouvoir les comparer facilement.