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  2. Israel: How Many Jehovah’s Witnesses Are There? - JW.ORG


    Fast Facts—Israel. Get information about the number of congregations, ministers, and their work.

  3. Conflict in Israel and Palestinian Territories - JW.ORG


    None of the more than 2,000 publishers located in Israel and the Palestinian territories have suffered injuries. 73 publishers were displaced, including 15 special full-time servants in the field. 13 Bethelites needed to temporarily share apartments equipped with a bomb shelter

  4. Israel’s First King to Captivity in Babylon | Bible Stories -...


    Next, we learn many things about David’s son Solomon, who took David’s place as king of Israel. The first three kings of Israel each ruled for 40 years. After Solomon’s death, Israel was divided into two kingdoms, a northern and a southern kingdom. The northern 10-tribe kingdom lasted 257 years before it was destroyed by the Assyrians.

  5. Important Lessons From the Kings of Israel | Watchtower Study -...


    Even the good kings of Israel were not above receiving counsel and reproof. ( Heb. 12:6 ) When we receive correction, we should (1) respond humbly, (2) make the necessary changes, and (3) move on with our wholehearted service to Jehovah.

  6. Will Armageddon Begin in Israel?—What Does the Bible Say? -...


    Megiddo was a city in the territory of ancient Israel. For that reason, some people believe that Armageddon will be fought in Israel. However, neither the region of Megiddo nor any other area in the Middle East is big enough to hold “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” and their armies.

  7. Wilderness Wanderings of Israel - JW.ORG


    AFTER their deliverance from Egypt, Israel wandered for 40 years in Sinai, much of the time far away from well-traveled trade routes. It was a “great and fear-inspiring wilderness, with poisonous serpents and scorpions and with thirsty ground that has no water.”

  8. The Israelites Leave Babylon and Return to Jerusalem | Bible...


    PART 4 Israel’s First King to Captivity in Babylon Show more. STORY 56 Saul —Israel’s First King STORY 57 God Chooses David STORY 58 David and Goliath STORY 59 Why David Must Run Away STORY 60 Abigail and David

  9. God Speaks Through His Prophets | Bible Message - JW.ORG


    DURING the period of the kings of Israel and Judah, a special group of men came to the fore —the prophets. These were men of extraordinary faith and courage who delivered God’s pronouncements. Consider four important themes developed by God’s prophets. 1. The destruction of Jerusalem.

  10. Saul—Raja Israel yang Pertama | Cerita Alkitab - JW.ORG


    Ia lebih tinggi kira-kira 30 cm daripada siapa saja di Israel! Saul juga pelari yang cepat, orangnya sangat kuat pula. Orang-orang merasa senang bahwa Yehuwa telah memilih Saul sebagai raja. Mereka semuanya berseru, ’Panjang umur raja kita!’ Musuh-musuh Israel masih sama kuatnya seperti dulu. Mereka tetap membuat banyak kesusahan atas orang ...

  11. Crossing the Red Sea | Bible Story - JW.ORG


    PART 4 Israel’s First King to Captivity in Babylon Show more. STORY 56 Saul —Israel’s First King STORY 57 God Chooses David STORY 58 David and Goliath STORY 59 Why David Must Run Away STORY 60 Abigail and David