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  2. What Is a Breast MRI? | Breast Cancer Screening


    What you need to know about getting a breast MRI. Just as mammograms are done using x-ray machines specially designed for the breasts, breast MRI also requires special equipment. This MRI machine has a special device called a dedicated breast coil to image the breasts. Not all hospitals and imaging centers have dedicated breast MRI equipment.

  3. Breast MRI - Mayo Clinic


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast, also called breast MRI, is a test used to find breast cancer. It also can help rule out breast cancer when there are other problems in the breast. A breast MRI makes pictures of the inside of the breast. It uses powerful magnets, radio waves and a computer to make images with a lot of detail.

  4. Breast MRI: What to Expect Before, During and After


    Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a tool used to diagnose and stage breast cancer. An MRI machine is a type of medical imaging tool that uses strong, powerful magnets and radio currents to take clear, detailed, three-dimensional images of the breast.

  5. Breast MRI: Why It’s Done, What To Expect & Results - Cleveland...


    A breast MRI is an imaging test that produces very detailed pictures of breast tissue. Healthcare providers mainly use it to evaluate known breast cancer. But they also use it in addition to mammography and ultrasound to screen for and diagnose breast cancer and other breast abnormalities.

  6. Breast MRI: What it Is, Why it’s Done, & More - Breastcancer.org


    Breast MRI is an imaging test used to find out the extent of breast cancer, to screen for breast cancer in someone without symptoms, and for other reasons.

  7. Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - Johns Hopkins Medicine


    MRI, used with mammography and breast ultrasound, can be a useful diagnostic tool. Recent research has found that MRI can locate some small breast lesions sometimes missed by mammography. It can also help detect breast cancer in women with breast implants and in younger women who tend to have dense breast tissue.

  8. About Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


    MRI is an imaging procedure that uses strong magnetic fields to take pictures of your breast tissue. MRI can be used to: Find cancer cells. See the type, size, and location of breast tumors. Help your healthcare provider plan your care and see how your breast cancer treatment is working. The MRI table is on a track that slides into the machine.

  9. Breast MRI: What Is It, Procedure and More - patientpower.info


    A breast MRI uses magnetic fields to create detailed images of breast tissue, aiding in cancer detection, especially in high-risk women.

  10. Breast MRI: Purpose, Procedure, Next Steps & More - Healthline


    A breast MRI is an imaging test that uses magnets and radio waves to check for abnormalities like breast cancer. Learn about preparation, results, and more.

  11. Breast MRI - RadiologyInfo.org


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast uses a powerful magnetic field, radio waves and a computer to produce detailed pictures of the structures within the breast. It is primarily used as a supplemental tool to breast screening with mammography or ultrasound.