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Overall, he said precipitation for this water year (which started Oct. 1) is well below average over the Southwest. Many locations in the region have been near-record dry since October. Looking ahead
As general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Hagekhalil is responsible for ensuring water for 19 million people, leading the nation’s largest wholesale supplier ...
Excessive groundwater pumping has long been depleting aquifers in California's Central Valley. Now, scientists say the depletion is accelerating. 'Full-on crisis': Groundwater in California's ...
The water districts said California’s water operations are “incredibly complex” and that the movement of water supplies “requires an extensive understanding of the plumbing, safety ...
The order packages Trump’s goals for California water policy together with unrelated wildfire relief measures, said Felicia Marcus, a visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Water in the West ...
The crisis has cast a harsh light on the state's ability to provide clean and affordable drinking water to all its residents, particularly those in the Central Valley, where widespread ...
California is the only state with a groundwater law that includes provisions intended to protect groundwater-dependent ecosystems. But the law, adopted in 2014, gives considerable leeway to local ...
The rules under revision govern dams, aqueducts and pumping plants in California’s two main water systems, the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project, which deliver water to millions ...