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  2. The Doctrine of Salvation - Moody Publishers

    www.moodypublishers.com/mpimages/Marketing/WEB Resources/ProductExcerpts...

    The Doctrine of Salvation. Contents. CHAPTER. Foreword. Introduction. The Need for Salvation. The Basis of Salvation. The Nature of Salvation. The Application of Salvation. The Results of Salvation. The Assurance for Salvation. The Climax of Salvation. Appendix A-The Ordo Sa/utis. Appendix B-Romans 7: 14-25. Helpful Books on Salvation. PAGE. vii.



    The salvation which God places so much importance on is salvation from sin and its consequences. In order to understand adequately the doctrine of salvation, one must understand the Bible's revelation concerning man's sin and its deserved condemnation. This section of notes will briefly cover the following features of sin: 1) The definition of sin

  4. The Doctrine of Salvation - Liberty University


    Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Rom. 116). For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the...

  5. The Biblical Doctrine of Salvation - Concord Road


    Phil Sanders 2 The Biblical Doctrine of Salvation Table of Contents Page 1. Sin and Its Consequences 4 2. Sacrifice and Atonement 9 3. The Grace of God 19 4. Justification, Sanctification, Redemption and Reconciliation 21 5. Faith and Salvation 23 6. Repentance and Confession 26 7.

  6. THE DOCTRINE OF SALVATION - Student - biblebc

    www.biblebc.com/bbi/Courses/Soteriology/THE DOCTRINE OF SALVATION - Student.pdf

    In 1978 a man in the United States, in desperate need of a rare blood transfusion, died. The tragedy of the story was that he suffered and died needlessly, for one of his own relatives possessed that rare type of blood and could have easily donated some, but stubbornly refused.



    salvation, conceived as an eternal, divine plan by which God rescues lost and erring sinners and brings them back into eternal fellowship with himself • It deals with the provision of salvation through Christ and the application of it through the Holy Spirit

  8. Basics - Salvation - Billy Graham


    Salvation is being saved or rescued from the penalty of sin. We are all sinners, and the consequence of sin is death—not just physical death, but eternal separation from God. To be saved from your sin, you must do three things: Ask forgiveness for your sins; be willing to turn from your sins; and believe that Jesus Christ—our Lord and ...

  9. Soteriology—The Doctrine of Salvation - CHRIST COMMUNITY STUDY...


    Soteriology—The Doctrine of Salvation I. Introduction One may wonder why we need a separate study of the doctrine of salvation. After all, this is what we have been talking about all along in our study of Systematic Theology. Yet, the ways of God in saving His people need clarification so that we may better understand the working of the

  10. SOTERIOLOGY: The Doctrine of Salvation - Ariel


    Meaning of Sovereign Grace (Sovereignty) Concept of Election. The Motives of Grace. Salvation by Grace. Scripture. The Divine Motives in Grace. Principles Which Cannot Co-Exist with Grace. I. Standing or Safekeeping in Grace.

  11. Defending Biblical Christianity | Reasonable Faith


    A comprehensive defense of biblical Christianity, exploring key doctrines and questions.