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  2. Internet Protocol - Wikipedia


    The Internet Protocol (IP) is the network layer communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking, and essentially establishes the Internet.

  3. What is the Internet Protocol? - Cloudflare


    The Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol, or set of rules, for routing and addressing packets of data so that they can travel across networks and arrive at the correct destination. Data traversing the Internet is divided into smaller pieces, called packets.

  4. What is Internet Protocol (IP)? - GeeksforGeeks


    The Internet Protocol (IP) which is pivotal in computer network protocols is responsible for the transmission of data packages from or to devices that are connected to the Internet or any other network.

  5. TCP/IP Packet Format - GeeksforGeeks


    IP (Internet Protocol) packet structure is used for data transmission in computer networks. Data units received from the layer above are encapsulated in an IP packet, and additional header data is added. IP Payload is the term used to describe the enclosed data.

  6. What is a packet? | Network packet definition | Cloudflare


    Data sent over a network is divided into smaller segments called packets. Learn how Internet packets work, what an IP packet is, and what datagram means.

  7. What is Internet protocol? IP Definition, Types & How It Works -...


    The Internet Protocol (IP) is a set of rules for sending and receiving data over the Internet. Computers gather data into collections of electrons called packets, with IP identifiers attached to each one. Network routers ensure that packets are routed to the right place.

  8. What is Internet Protocol (IP)? - TechTarget


    While IP defines the protocol by which data moves around the internet, the unit that does the actual moving is the IP packet. An IP packet is like a physical parcel or a letter with an envelope indicating address information and the data contained within.

  9. How does the Internet work? - Cloudflare


    The Internet is a network of networks. It works by using a technique called packet switching, and by relying on standardized networking protocols that all computers can interpret.

  10. Internet Protocol (IP) - Network Encyclopedia


    Internet Protocol, or just IP, is a TCP/IP network layer protocol for addressing and routing packets of data between hosts on a TCP/IP network. Internet Protocol (IP) is a connectionless protocol that provides best-effort delivery using packet-switching services.

  11. RFC 791: Internet Protocol - RFC Editor


    The internet protocol provides for transmitting blocks of data called datagrams from sources to destinations, where sources and destinations are hosts identified by fixed length addresses. The internet protocol also provides for fragmentation and reassembly of long datagrams, if necessary, for transmission through "small packet" networks.