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  1. Results from the WOW.Com Content Network
  2. Alt Codes, the all alt codes list for special characters and special symbols. Learn how to use alt key codes.

  3. Bullet Symbols - Alt Codes


    Bullet Symbols. Here you can find the list of bullet symbols alt codes and unicode symbols. To make a bullet symbol or a circle symbol text, you can copy and paste bullet point symbol from the table below.

  4. ☑ Check Mark Symbols - Alt Codes


    Check Mark Symbols. List of check mark symbols, and emojis with their Unicode Hex values. You can copy & paste check mark symbols anywhere you like, or you can use their Unicode Hex values on your web page design, or computer programing. You can also learn how to type them in Ms Word or Ms Excel.

  5. ⅟ ¼ ¾ ⅞ ⁄ Fraction Symbols - Alt Codes


    List of Fraction symbols with html entity, unicode number code. Learn how to make over 21 Fraction symbols of math, copy and paste text character.

  6. ⅀ % = ≡ ⬟ Math Symbols - Alt Codes


    Alt Codes » Math Symbols Triangle Symbols Square Symbols Rectangle Symbols ⬟ Pentagon Symbols ⬡ Hexagon Symbols Circle Symbols; ⥊ Harpoon Symbols Diamond Symbols Diagonal Symbols; ⨅ Intersection Symbols ⬬ Ellipse Symbols

  7. ⌛ ⌚ ⏰ Time Symbols - Alt Codes


    "We use cookies and other data collection technologies to provide the best experience for our customers. You may request that your data not be shared with third parties here: "

  8. ☠ Miscellaneous Alt Codes and Symbols


    Miscellaneous alt codes and symbols, various kind of symbols are listed, get the symbol code or just copy the symbol code.

  9. ☦ ☨ ⁜ Latin Cross Symbols - Alt Codes


    Over 10 different Latin Cross symbols and alt codes, learn how to make cross text symbol character with letter and number.

  10. Arrow symbols alt codes and unicode html arrows, including down arrow, up arrow, right arrow, left arrow symbol codes, learn how to make an arrow icon.

  11. Diamond Symbols - Alt Codes


    List of Diamond symbols with html entity, unicode number code. Learn how to make over 20 Diamond symbols of math, copy and paste text character.