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  2. Root (linguistics) - Wikipedia


    For example, chatters has the inflectional root or lemma chatter, but the lexical root chat. Inflectional roots are often called stems. A root, or a root morpheme, in the stricter sense, a mono-morphemic stem. The traditional definition allows roots to be either free morphemes or bound morphemes.

  3. List of Greek and Latin roots in English/O - Wikipedia


    Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples ob-, o-, oc-, of-, og-, op-, os-[1]against: Latin: ob: obduracy, obdurate, obduration ...

  4. List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes - Wikipedia


    Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) bacillus: rod-shaped Latin baculus, stick Bacillus anthracis: bacteri-Pertaining to bacteria: Latin bacterium; Greek βακτήριον (baktḗrion), small staff bacteriophage, bactericide: balan-of the glans penis or glans clitoridis: Greek βάλανος (bálanos), acorn, glans balanitis: bas-

  5. List of Greek and Latin roots in English - Wikipedia


    The English language uses many Greek and Latin roots, stems, and prefixes. These roots are listed alphabetically on three pages: Greek and Latin roots from A to G; Greek and Latin roots from H to O; Greek and Latin roots from P to Z. Some of those used in medicine and medical technology are listed in the List of medical roots, suffixes and ...

  6. List of Greek and Latin roots in English/P - Wikipedia


    Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples pac-peace: Latin: pax, pacis: appease, Pacific, pacify, pay pach-[1]thick: Greek: παχύς (pakhús), πάχος, πάχεος (pákhos, pákheos)

  7. List of Greek and Latin roots in English/G - Wikipedia


    Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples galact-[1] (ΓΛΑΚ) [2] milk: Greek: γάλα, γάλακτος (gála, gálaktos) galactagogue, galactic, galactorrhea, lactose, polygala, polygalactia, galaxy gam-[3] marriage, wedding: Greek

  8. List of Greek and Latin roots in English/M - Wikipedia


    Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples macer-lean: Latin: macer: emaciate, macerate, meager macr-[1]long: Greek: μακρός (makrós), μακρότης (makrótēs) "length"

  9. List of Greek and Latin roots in English/B - Wikipedia


    Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples ba-[1] ...