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  2. Compensated and Decompensated Cirrhosis: Causes, Treatment - ...


    Compensated cirrhosis is a milder form that often doesn’t cause noticeable symptoms. Decompensated cirrhosis is a more advanced form characterized by symptoms of end stage liver failure, such...

  3. What is Compensated Cirrhosis? - Livers With Life


    Compensated cirrhosis means the liver still works relatively well despite any scarring, or fibrosis. People with this type of cirrhosis generally experience mild or no symptoms, but they should still be treated.

  4. Stages of Cirrhosis: Compensated & Decompensated | Hep C


    Stages of cirrhosis: compensated. When the liver is still able to carry out most or all of its functions, it is said that the liver is able to compensate for the damage that is being done by the hepatitis C virus. This stage of cirrhosis is called compensated cirrhosis.

  5. Compensated Vs Decompensated Cirrhosis: Know The Difference -...


    What is decompensated cirrhosis, and how different is it from compensated cirrhosis? Understand each stage's symptoms, causes, complications, risk factors, and treatment options.

  6. Cirrhosis of the Liver: Signs & Symptoms, Causes, Stages - ...


    Cirrhosis is a progressive condition that worsens as more and more scar tissue develops. In the beginning, your body adjusts to compensate for your reduced liver function, and you might not notice it too much. This is known as compensated cirrhosis.

  7. What is Compensated and Decompensated Cirrhosis? - Hep


    Compensated cirrhosis means the liver is scarred but still able to perform most its basic functions at some level. The stage or grade of scarring depends on how well the liver is able to function.

  8. Cirrhosis of the Liver: Symptoms, Stages & Treatment - WebMD


    Compensated cirrhosis If you have compensated cirrhosis, you won't have any symptoms. Your liver can still do its job because there are enough healthy cells to make up for the damaged...

  9. Stages of Cirrhosis - Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease - VA.gov


    Appropriate timing of the initial referral for transplant evaluation is critical for optimal care of patient with cirrhosis. Refer for liver transplant evaluation when appropriate (see When to Refer for Transplant for details)

  10. Cirrhosis Stages: Symptoms, Treatment, and FAQ - Healthline


    Compensated cirrhosis is the first stage of cirrhosis. People in this stage either don’t have symptoms or have minor symptoms. They might not feel or appear sick despite having severe liver...

  11. Cirrhosis of the Liver: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment -...


    Cirrhosis of the liver can be typically classified as either compensated or decompensated: Compensated cirrhosis is a damaged liver that is still relatively functional. Decompensated cirrhosis represents a rapid deterioration of liver function.