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  2. What is scratchpad memory? - Electrical Engineering Stack...


    Scratchpad memory isn't a "type" of memory. It is the purpose the memory is used for, but any type of memory could be used for that purpose. Semiconductor marketing of course picked up on this confusion long ago: if there's a "market", we shall fill it, and thus you had products designated as scratchpad (or cache!)

  3. computer architecture - Can you make a CPU out of logic gates ...


    Implement scratchpad, cache and other internal book-keeping memory areas. Build bus peripherals such as I2C, SPI and memory interfaces and any other useful peripheral one can think! Build program counter, fetch circuits before you feed the instructions to the decoder.. Or build an instruction pipeline and some instruction parallelism

  4. USART, UART, RS232, USB, SPI, I2C, TTL, etc. what are all of...


    Serial is an umbrella word for all that is "Time Division Multiplexed", to use an expensive term. It means that the data is sent spread over time, most often one single bit after another.

  5. What are the freeware SPICE simulators available?


    Does anyone know of a freeware SPICE / circuit simulator? SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) is a general-purpose, open source analog electronic circuit simulator. It i...

  6. What is the truth about 1.5 V "lithium" cells?


    The wiki page for Lithium batteries has a list of many different chemistries and their voltages. A Lithium anode with an Iron Disulphide cathode (\$\mathrm{Li-FeS_2}\$) is one such example of a 1.5V terminal voltage, and is the chemistry used in the AA replacement batteries as per the datasheet link on the Wiki page, and in @pjc50's answer.

  7. What is the difference between \\$V_{CC}\\$, \\$V_{DD}\\$,...


    I think I may have the definite answer to this. This naming comes from a 1963 IEEE standard 255-1963 "Letter Symbols for Semiconductor Devices" (IEEE Std 255-1963).

  8. soldering - What are the different types of solder used for ...


    Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

  9. standard - Rules and guidelines for drawing good schematics ...


    There are a lot of poorly drawn schematics here. A few times people have actually asked for critiques of their schematics. This question is intended as a single repository on schematic drawing rule...

  10. microcontroller - Intel HEX (.hex) viewer/readers - Electrical...


    Lately I've been doing a lot of work with Intel HEX files. I want a program that can import an Intel HEX file and allow me to view the byte contents at each address. There are a handful of program...

  11. What exactly are harmonics and how do they "appear"?


    From reading so many sources online, I still cannot grasp why a different waveforms have harmonics. For example: when designing a silly amplitude modulation (AM) circuit that puts a square wave fr...