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  2. How to Dance the Waltz for Beginners - wikiHow


    In this article, we’ll walk you through all the steps of this iconic ballroom dance, whether you’re the leader or follower. We also interviewed professional dance expert and competitor Lorena Bravo, MA, for tips on how to take your waltz to the next level. Step forward with your left foot.

  3. The basic step for waltz is a box step. It's named after a pattern it creates on the floor (box or square) and forms the foundation of the dance. A box step can be divided into two parts - a forward half box and a backward half box.

  4. Waltz Basic Steps | Dance Lesson for Beginners0:13 Box Step1:44 Box Step turned to Right = Natural Turn2:22 Closed Change3:02 Natural Turn and Closed Changes...

  5. Learn how to Waltz for beginners with the Box step in Waltz which is one of the most fundamental Waltz steps in social Ballroom dancing. This lesson comes from the "Social dancing crash...



    Learn to Dance Waltz for Beginners in this Waltz Tutorial for Beginners. Brian & Megan will teach you how to waltz by teaching you the basic waltz steps.Anyo...

  7. How To Waltz Dance: Beginner Guide with Videos - Passion4Dancing


    Starter guide on how to Waltz dance online. Learn the basic Waltz dance steps with step by step videos. Perfect for beginners.

  8. Learn how to waltz with help from our step-by-step guide. We'll introduce you to types of waltz from around the world, waltz steps, waltz music, turns and more!

  9. How to Waltz Dance Step by Step - Howcast


    The Waltz is a popular type of ballroom dance performed in ¾ time. It combines gliding movements with a focus on rising and falling, making the dance flow nicely. The waltz is a close romantic dance and has a relatively simple step that can be easy to learn. Learn how to waltz step by step with free video lessons from Howcast!

  10. How To Waltz Dance For Beginners Videos | 3 Waltz Dance Steps


    3 basic Waltz dance steps with this how to waltz for beginners video course. Learn Waltz basic steps like Waltz Box, Turning it, and Going around the room.

  11. How to dance Waltz for Beginners - Ballroom Dance Lab


    How to Dance Waltz. When learning to dance for the first time. Waltz is a popular option for beginner dancers. The music is slower tempo and it a nice easy dance to learn when you are just starting out. Timing: Waltz is 3/4 timing and is counted 1, 2, 3. Characteristic: Waltz is a fun, elegant dance that flows around the dance floor. One of the ...