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For renal or ureteral stones treated by laser lithotripsy, use 52325 (Cystourethroscopy [including ureteral catheterization]; with fragmentation of ureteral calculus [e.g., ultrasonic or electro-hydraulic technique]) or 52353 (Cystourethroscopy, with ureteroscopy and/or pyeloscopy; with lithotripsy [ureteral catheterization is included]) as per ...
Question: What is the correct procedure code for laser lithotripsy of an impacted 1.0 cm bulbar urethral stone? I’ve considered 52315 or 52317-52. Wyoming Subscriber. Answer: The correct coding should be 52317 (Litholapaxy: crushing or fragmentation of calculus by any means in bladder and removal of fragments; simple or small [less than 2.5 cm]).
Using the holmium laser lithotripsy and the 200 micron fiber, the stone was fragmented until only a residual 4mm fragment was left. Smaller 2 mm fragments were too small to grasp with the basket. The 4 mm stone fragment which was left was retrieved for analysis with a Nitinol stone basket and passed off the table as an individual specimen.
Hello, I am confused about the laser litho with stone basket remove both ureter and kidney RT side only. A semi-rigid ureteroscopy was advanced in the ureter. A large amount of stone was encountered in the distal 1/3rd of the ureter. The stones were fragmented using laser and the fragment were removed with a basket.
Ureteroscopy With Laser Lithotripsy and Tube Removal. Scenario 3: The physician removed a nephrostomy tube and performed an antegrade ureteroscopy with holmium laser lithotripsy and removal of a ureteral stone, ureteral stent insertion through the nephrostomy, and nephrostomy tube exchange. The fragmented ureteral stone was basketed and removed.
The doctor performed a looposcopy, loopogram, flexible ureteroscopy, and holmium laser lithotripsy and stone extraction. So far I have CPT 50690 for the loopogram, and 74425-26 for the supervision and interpretation of the x-rays. Should I report 52353 for the lithotripsy and add modifier 52 since the urologist didn't perform a cystourethroscopy?
Patient has a stone in his urethra. Also has stricture and the dr was unable to use a cystoscope. Therefore he used a ureteroscope and performed laser lithotripsy on the urethral stone. I am looking at possibly 52353 with mod 52 since the cysto was not used. Can someone help with the coding...
That's correct! Sorry that wasn't clear. After the physician performed a cysto in office and discovered the stone, he is planning to perform a cysto with lithotripsy of the prostate stone. I believe 52317 will be the appropriate code for this as long as the procedure method and location of the stone doesn't change before then.
Laser Lithotripsy of Prostate Stone? Usually prostatic calculi are small. Code 52317 as this code includes bladder and urethra as this code and 52318 fall under the heading of urethra and bladder in the CPT manual....
Right laser lithotripsy. 4. Bilateral stone basketing. 5. Bilateral stent insertion. 6. Removal of ...