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Bede: "The other Evangelists describe Christ as born in time; John witnesseth that He was in the beginning, saying, In the beginning was the Word. The others describe His sudden appearance among men; he witnesseth that He was ever with God, saying, And the Word was with God. The others prove Him very man; he very God, saying, And the Word was God.
The context of the verse is the passage in John 1:1-18, Hymn to the Word dealing with the divinity, incarnation and authority of Jesus. Most Christian scholars agree that these words teach us, that all created things, visible, or invisible, were made by this eternal word, that is the Son of God. [ 1 ]
the Word and the Word made flesh (John 1:1, 14), identified by the Christian theology with the second divine person of the Most Holy Trinity; the Son of God (John 1:34,49) and the Unigenitus Son of God and the Nicene Creed) the Lamb of God (John 1:29,36) Rabbi, meaning Teacher or Master (John 1:38,49) the Messiah, or the Christ
Many believe "His own" refers principally to the Jewish people. Jesus came to them as if to his family, but they did not accept him. However it may be extended to the Gentiles, "who for a long time groaned in darkness, and seemed to wait for the light of justice," but also did not accept him.
Lapide comments on the phrase "on Him", as signifying the Person of Christ, and that the full meaning is "as many as have received Christ, that is, to all who believe in His name, He has given power to become sons of God," which has the same sense as (1 John 5:1): "Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God."
Bede notes that by their expressive reply, "Rabbi" they honoured Christ, and sought His favour. [1] Also there is an element in it of them wishing to become His disciples. They ask where he dwells, even though Christ is said to have no proper house, according to the gospel of St. Matthew: “Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests ...
John does not however speak to his disciples alone, but publicly in the presence of all. And so, undertaking to follow Christ, through this instruction common to all, they remained thenceforth firm, following Christ for their own advantage, not as an act of favour to their masterx.
By, "I did not know him," John seems to be saying "do not think I affirm Jesus to be the Messiah for the sake of friendship, as if he were a friend; for I say I knew Him not. That is I never saw Him, before His baptism." Although notably John did perceive Him in his mother's womb. [1]