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There are 12 major anatomy systems: Skeletal, Muscular, Cardiovascular, Digestive, Endocrine, Nervous, Respiratory, Immune/Lymphatic, Urinary, Female Reproductive, Male Reproductive, Integumentary. Select a system below to get started.
ANATOMY 3D ATLAS allows you to study human anatomy in an easy and interactive way. Through a simple and intuitive interface it is possible to observe, by highly detailed 3D models, every anatomical structure of the human body from any angle.
We create educational 3D medical apps that help you to better understand human anatomy and physiology.
Learn anatomy faster with our 3D human anatomy models. Over 400 models, by region, by structure and by system.
The BioDigital Human is the first cloud based virtual model of the human body - 3D human anatomy, disease and treatment, all in interactive 3D.
Dive into comprehensive 3D human anatomy with interactive models, perfect for in-depth learning and exploration of the human body's systems and organs.
The BioDigital Human is a virtual 3D body that brings to life thousands of medically accurate anatomy objects and health conditions in an interactive Web-based platform unlocks the world of human anatomy. Explore every muscle, bone, and organ! Study interactive 3D models, articles, and quizzes that extend each other.
Complete and easy-to-use virtual guide for learning, understanding, and visualizing the complexities of human anatomy in 3D. Includes information and images for each anatomical system and part, multiple options to interact with the 3D anatomy models (hiding, fading, etc), and much more.
Creators of the world's leading 3D human anatomy models for use in medical illustration, animation, engineering, simulation, and anatomy software products.