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  2. CRS Reports


    Search CRS Reports. For an index of CRS products, click the SEARCH button without entering a search term. These documents were prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress.

  3. CRS Search Results - CRS Reports


    These documents were prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. It operates solely at the behest of and under the direction of Congress.

  4. About CRS - CRS Reports


    What are CRS reports? CRS reports provide Congress with both anticipatory and on-demand research and analysis to support their legislative, oversight, and representational duties. All reports adhere to the core values of CRS; they are authoritative, objective and nonpartisan.

  5. Coronavirus Disease 2019 - CRS Reports


    Public Health. Domestic Public Health Response to COVID-19: Current Status and Resources Guide. Development and Regulation of Domestic Diagnostic Testing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Frequently Asked Questions. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Poses Challenges for the U.S. Blood Supply.

  6. Coronavirus Disease 2019 - CRS Reports


    The virus, which causes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), spread rapidly and led to a global pandemic which has had significant public health and economic effects. As of December of 2021, more than 49 million people have been infected and over 785 thousand have died in the United States.

  7. Product Details LSB11219 - CRS Reports


    Title: Divided En Banc Federal Appeals Court Rejects Second Amendment Challenge to Maryland’s Ban on “Assault Weapons”. Report#: LSB11219. Author (s): Dave S. Sidhu. Date: August 26, 2024.

  8. Appropriations Status Table - CRS Reports


    Congress.gov Appropriations and Budget Resources. CBO Supplemental Appropriations Table 2000-Present. Selected Agency Budget Justifications. Status of Discretionary Appropriations House & Senate (CBO)

  9. Taiwan: Defense and Military Issues - CRS Reports


    The U.S. government has sought to strengthen its own ability to deter PRC military aggression. The PRC, for its part, claims the United States uses Taiwan as a “pawn” to undermine and contain China. Congress and the President have enacted legislation aimed at strengthening U.S.-Taiwan defense ties.

  10. U.S. Security Assistance to Ukraine - CRS Reports


    The Administration has approved third-party transfers of U.S.-origin defense articles and equipment from several NATO and EU members to Ukraine. Since 2022, NATO and EU members and other allies have made available at least $50 billion in security assistance to Ukraine.

  11. Continuing Resolutions: Overview of Components and Practices -...


    For analysis of these issues, see CRS Report RL34700, Interim Continuing Resolutions (CRs): Potential Impacts on Agency Operations, and GAO-17-807T, Budget Uncertainty and Disruptions Affect Timing of Agency Spending.