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In order to get a split-complementary color, you have to mix together one primary color and two colors adjacent to its complement. While complementary colors tend to look dull, split-complementary colors are used well for contrast purposes.
Learn how to master split complementary colors, one of the most basic and most approachable color schemes (aka the compound color scheme).
Split complementary color schemes create high contrast and visual interest, while also retaining harmony. They are vibrant and eye-catching. In this article, we will provide examples of split complementary color schemes, explain how to create them, and discuss ways to use them effectively in design.
A split complementary color scheme is one that has a base color and a couple of secondary colors. So, it is quite similar to the complementary color scheme but, instead of two colors, the split complementary scheme is made up of three hues.
A split complementary color scheme is simply a color theory method in which to calculate colors that will work well together using a color wheel. You begin to buy choosing your dominant color, in this case, we choose the color red. Our second color is across from red on the color wheel, green.
Split-complementary color schemes introduce intriguing contrasts that make a lasting impact. Read on to learn more about: What split-complementary color schemes are, and how to create one in 3 steps; Benefits of split complementary colors; 3 prime examples of split-complementary color schemes
A split-complementary color scheme is a color scheme that consists of one base color and the two colors adjacent to its complementary color on the color wheel. This scheme provides a strong visual contrast while retaining harmony, making it a popular choice in design and art.
A split complementary color scheme is simply another option for your complementary color palette. However, instead of having only two colors, there are now three. This always involves selecting a primary or base color and then searching opposite this color for two adjacent colors.
Split complementary colors allow graphic designers to create cohesive color palettes with natural appeal. The three shades contrast nicely, meaning they can create attractive visual distinctions in a design.
Just copy paste the same color 2 more times so we can make a perfect split complementary color scheme. Increase or decrease the hue (H in HSB) value by 150 points. The color code in HSB is “40 52 86”. First decrease by 150 points, you will get first complementary color and then other increase by 150 points, you will get second complementary color.