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While symmetrical for the logo of MGM, the better word order in Latin is "Ars artis gratia". ars longa, vita brevis: art is long, life is short: Seneca, De Brevitate Vitae, 1.1, translating a phrase of Hippocrates that is often used out of context. The "art" referred to in the original aphorism was the craft of medicine, which took a lifetime ...
However, the earliest Rizal might have first encountered the word was 1882, when he was 21 years old – 13 years after he supposedly wrote the poem. Rizal first came across kalayaan (or as it was spelled during the Spanish period, kalayahan), through a Tagalog translation by Marcelo H. del Pilar of Rizal's own essay "El Amor Patrio". [5] [10]
The word denotes "by way of" or "by means of", e. g., "I will contact you via email". via media: middle road/way: This phrase describes a compromise between two extremes or the radical center political position. via, veritas, vita: the Way, the Truth, [and] the Life: Words of Jesus Christ in John 14:6; motto of many institutions viam sapientiae ...
Lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit ("a man to a man is a wolf, not a man, when the other doesn't know of what character he is.") [4] lupus in fabula: the wolf in the story: With the meaning "speak of the wolf, and he will come"; from Terence's play Adelphoe. lupus non mordet lupum: a wolf does not bite a wolf
know thyself: A reference to the Greek γνῶθι σεαυτόν (gnothi seauton), inscribed on the pronaos of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, according to the Greek periegetic writer Pausanias (10.24.1). Rendered also with nosce te ipsum, temet nosce ("thine own self know") appears in The Matrix translated as "know thyself". tempora heroica ...
At home, the Rizal ladies recovered a folded paper from the stove. On it was written an unsigned, untitled and undated poem of 14 five-line stanzas. The Rizals reproduced copies of the poem and sent them to Rizal's friends in the country and abroad. In 1897, Mariano Ponce in Hong Kong had the poem printed with the title "Mí último pensamiento ...
at your word: a reference to the response of Peter when he was invited by Jesus to "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch" (Luke 5:4–5). invidiae prudentia victrix: prudence conquers jealousy: in vino veritas: in wine [there is] truth: That is, wine loosens the tongue (referring to alcohol's disinhibitory effects). in vitro ...
In this poem, it is the Filipino youth who are the protagonists, whose "prodigious genius" making use of that education to build the future, was the "bella esperanza de la patria mía" (beautiful hope of the motherland). Spain, with "pious and wise hand" offered a "crown's resplendent band, offers to the sons of this Indian land."