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  2. Swamp sparrow - Wikipedia


    The song of the swamp sparrow is a monotone trill, slower than that of the chipping sparrow. A male can have a repertoire of several different trills. The common call note is a loud chip reminiscent of a phoebe.

  3. Song sparrow - Wikipedia


    Includes the Semidi song sparrow, M. m. semidiensis Brooks, 1919, which may be a distinct subspecies however. [20] Also includes the population from Amak Island [ 21 ] named M. m. amaka Gabrielson & Lincoln, 1951 ( Amak song sparrow ) which was extirpated due to habitat destruction, apparently disappearing in the weeks around New Year's Eve ...

  4. Melospiza - Wikipedia


    Melospiza is a genus of passerine birds formerly placed in the family Emberizidae, but now placed in Passerellidae.The genus, commonly referred to as "song sparrows," currently contains three species, all of which are native to North America.

  5. Lincoln's sparrow - Wikipedia


    It is a less common passerine bird that often stays hidden under thick ground cover, but can be distinguished by its sweet, wrenlike song. Lincoln's sparrow is one of three species in the genus Melospiza which also includes the song sparrow (M. melodia) and the swamp sparrow (M. georgiana). It lives in well-covered brushy habitats, often near ...

  6. Bird vocalization - Wikipedia


    These neurons also fire in similar patterns when the bird is singing that same song. Swamp sparrows employ 3–5 different song types, and the neural activity differs depending on which song is heard or sung. The HVC X neurons only fire in response to the presentation (or singing) of one of the songs, the primary song type. They are also ...

  7. Birds of North American boreal forests - Wikipedia


    Le Conte's sparrow, Ammodramus leconteii; Lincoln's sparrow, Melospiza lincolnii; Swamp sparrow, Melospiza georgiana; White-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis [3] Dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis [3] Rusty blackbird, Euphagus carolinus; Pine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator; Red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra; White-winged crossbill, Loxia ...

  8. List of birds of Massachusetts - Wikipedia


    The black-capped chickadee is the state bird of Massachusetts. This list of birds of Massachusetts includes species documented in the U.S. state of Massachusetts and accepted by the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC). As of July 2023, there are 516 species included in the official list. Of them, 194 are on the review list (see below), six have been introduced to North America, three ...

  9. List of New World sparrow species - Wikipedia


    Song sparrow: Melospiza melodia (Wilson, A, 1810) 86 Lincoln's sparrow: Melospiza lincolnii (Audubon, 1834) 87 Swamp sparrow: Melospiza georgiana (Latham, 1790) 88