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The three pass levels have different requirements. The higher certificate requires 40% or higher in the home language as well as in two other subjects and at least 30% in three other subjects. Students who pass the matric with a higher certificate level cannot enroll for a university degree nor a diploma at any institution of higher learning.
Helderberg College amended their name to reflect it as a Higher Education institution. The amendment Helderberg College of Higher Education was approved and became effective 9 November 2017. The College also adopted the HCHE abbreviation, and now uses the HCHE.AC.ZA domain as its official domain name. [6]
Previously known as Higher Education South Africa (HESA), formed on 9 May 2005 as a successor to the two statutory representative organisations for universities and technikons, the South African Universities Vice-Chancellors Association (SAUVCA) and the Committee of Technikon Principals (CTP).
In January 2004, UNISA merged with Technikon Southern Africa (Technikon SA, a polytechnic) and incorporated the distance education component of Vista University (VUDEC). The combined institution retained the name University of South Africa. It is now organised by college and by school; see below. The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg ( / v ə t ˈ v ɑː t ə s r ɑː n t / ), commonly known as Wits University or Wits , is a multi-campus public research university situated in the northern areas of central Johannesburg , South Africa . The University of Limpopo ( Afrikaans : Universiteit van Limpopo ) is a public university in the Limpopo Province , South Africa . It was formed on 1 January 2005, by merger of the University of the North and the Medical University of South Africa (MEDUNSA). [ 2 ] The University of the Free State ( Sesotho : Yunivesithi ya Freistata ; Afrikaans : Universiteit van die Vrystaat ) is a multi-campus public university in Bloemfontein , the capital of the Free State and the judicial capital of South Africa. Mangosuthu University of Technology ( MUT ) is a university of technology situated in Umlazi near the city of Durban , South Africa , on a site overlooking the Indian Ocean . MUT is located in the academic hub in the eThekwini metropole.