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  2. Do Scorpions Sleep? - Arachnoboards


    Arachnoking. Old Timer. Joined. May 31, 2003. Messages. 2,015. Scorpions are supposed to enter a sleep state...I've never been able to get hold of the paper where the behaviours explained though. Jun 21, 2006.

  3. Why do tarantuals raise two front legs (not threat posture)?


    Nov 12, 2011. Messages. 4. I notice one of my tarantulas will raise its two front leg and turn around if I tap them to let them know I'm in the cage. Its not a threat posture, theres no hissing, and no other signs of aggression. If I put my hand in it will crawl right on and chill out. Ive seen similar behaviors at petshows with a tarantula ...

  4. Do tarantulas sleep? - Arachnoboards


    Going back to the topic at hand though, tarantulas definitely do have a simple kind of brain. In light of this I would argue that if simpler invertebrates have been found to sleep then more complex organisms like tarantulas probably do it too, and the reason we are having this debate is that they don't show any external sign of sleeping.

  5. Sleep, or sleep-like states, in tarantulas. | Arachnoboards


    So tarantulas partially cieze unnesisarry activites and because of that they go into "stand by" sleep-like state. Not for rest and membrane restoration (as we do), but as a result of energy-saving. And looks like not all but vital parts of brain are shut down (as it happens to us), but some very selective parts, that allow brain "turn on ...

  6. Jumping Spider Not Eating - Arachnoboards


    Oct 11, 2012. Messages. 255. You can try offering something less intimidating. My experience with jumping spiders is that they'll refuse food if they don't feel like they can take it down. Individuals that refuse crickets, roaches, and grasshoppers usually end up taking caterpillars and flies of similar size. 1.

  7. Why do you keep tarantulas? - Arachnoboards


    He came to the conclusion that all of us hobbyists are just in it for the danger. We enjoy keeping tarantulas so we can get a little bit of thrill in our lives, according to him. Obviously this person was uninformed, but his musing did make me wonder why exactly it is that I find tarantulas so appealing to keep.

  8. Whistling spider help | Arachnoboards


    I own a P crassipes and P sp Aussie Goliath, and I had a P sarina until it passed earlier this year from old age.. I treat them as an Asian fossorial species. Deep substrate for a burrow and a water dish. They can be defensive but, if they have a burrow, they tend to retreat to it. Slings can be treated as any other slings.

  9. Do you think tarantulas fart? - Arachnoboards


    It would seem likely that spiders ingest air during this process – one of the key elements needed for a fart. Once they have extracted all the nutrients, in an organ called the ceaca, the food passes to the stercoral sac, where the moisture is extracted before anything left over is excreted through the anus as waste.

  10. How to know if spider egg sac hatched, or just dried out? (I...


    Bites from widow spiders are very rare, and almost never as bad as their reputation suggests (though it is unpleasant to be sure). They have no interest in biting or even being near humans - usually if someone is bitten it's because they were poking at the spider, either accidentally (grabbing wood from a woodpile without gloves, for instance ...

  11. Do spiders eat millipedes? - Arachnoboards


    167. If the spider's big enough, just feeling threatened will send it off the deep end and make it bite your pedelings. The millipede may have some defenses, but let's face it: the spider is bigger than the millipede. You don't want to risk it being a very venomous species either (i.e. Brown Recluse).