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  2. What is the state animal of Florida? | WhatsAnswer


    Florida panther is the official state of Florida.The Florida Panther was entitled as the “official Florida state animal” on May 1, 1982.

  3. What Is the National flower of Botswana? - WhatsAnswer


    Red Rose is the unofficial national flowerof Botswana. Scientific name of Red Rose is Rosa Rugosa. It is a deciduous […]

  4. What Is The National Language of Brunei? | WhatsAnswer


    The official language of Brunei is Malay. And the second most important languages are English and Chinese. The 1959 Constitution […]

  5. National Emblem of India | Symbols of India - WhatsAnswer


    The National Emblem of India is the State Emblem of India.In the original, there are four lions, standing back to back, mounted on an abacus with a frieze carrying sculptures in high relief of an elephant, a galloping horse, a bull, and a lion separated by intervening wheels over a bell-shaped lotus.

  6. country | WhatsAnswer


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  7. What is The National Religion of Denmark? | WhatsAnswer


    Denmark has religious freedom. The main religion in Denmark is Evangelical Lutheran. Denmark has Jewish synagogues, Roman Catholic churches, and […]

  8. Who Is The Father of The Nation of France? | WhatsAnswer


    Samuel de Champlain Is The Father of The Nation of France.Quebec City was the first European settlement founded in the St.

  9. All information about United Kingdom - WhatsAnswer


    Map of United Kingdom. From these maps we will get Maps of the United Kingdom

  10. Most Expensive Keywords On Google - WhatsAnswer


    Do you know how Google makes a lot of money?. Surprisingly, 97% of Google revenue comes from online pay-per-click advertising. Millions of companies pay money each time when a user clicks on their Google Adwords ads. Nowadays all the keywords are expensive in google, and the cost of keywords is increasing day by day.

  11. Map of Guizhou Province | Political, Outline, Geography And...


    Map of Guizhou Province covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers. The population of Guizhou stands at 34 million, ranking 19th among the provinces in China. Guizhou shares borders with the autonomous region of Guangxi to the south, Yunnan to the west, Sichuan to the northwest, the municipality of Chongqing to the north, and Hunan to the ...