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  2. Learn and use common word combinations in English with this online dictionary based on the British National Corpus. Find over 150,000 collocations for nearly 9,000 headwords and examples of usage.

  3. Learn and use common word combinations (collocations) with this online dictionary based on the British National Corpus. Find over 150,000 collocations for nearly 9,000 headwords, with examples, grammar and register information.

  4. Oxford dictionary Search Or you can check other dicts: null collins definition (English , 中文解释 ), wordnet sense ,

  5. Collocation | Usage and Definition


    Learn what collocation means in corpus linguistics and phraseology, and how to extract it from a corpus. Find examples of different types of collocations and browse an online dictionary with collocations.

  6. obviousOnline OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English


    FreeCollocation.com is a website that provides free access to the Oxford Collocation Dictionary of English, a comprehensive resource for learning and using English words and phrases. You can browse the dictionary by word, part of speech, or collocation, and see examples and definitions.

  7. worthOnline OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English


    Find out how to use the word worth in different contexts and meanings with this online Oxford dictionary. Browse the collocations of worth as an adjective, noun, verb and preposition, and see examples and synonyms.

  8. problemOnline OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English


    FreeCollocation.com is a website that provides online access to the Oxford Collocation Dictionary of English. You can search for words and phrases that collocate well together, and learn their meanings and usage examples.

  9. equalOnline OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English


    Find out how to use the word equal in different contexts and meanings with this online Oxford dictionary. Learn the common collocations, synonyms, antonyms, and phrases of equal with examples and explanations.

  10. loveOnline OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English


    FreeCollocation.com is a website that provides online access to the Oxford Collocation Dictionary of English, a comprehensive resource for learning and using English words and phrases. You can browse by word, part of speech, or topic, and see examples of collocations, synonyms, and related terms.

  11. partnershipOnline OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English


    Find the most common and useful collocations of the word partnership in English, with definitions, examples and synonyms. Learn how to use partnership in different contexts and expressions, such as business, education, government and more.