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The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a federation of Green state political parties in the United States. [8] The party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism; nonviolence; social justice; participatory democracy; grassroots democracy; anti-war; anti-racism.
The Green Party of England and Wales was created in 1990 when the former Green Party split into separate parties: Scottish Green Party, Green Party in Northern Ireland, and England and Wales. The party is affiliated to the Global Greens and the European Green Party.
In 1996, state Green Party organizations ultimately banded together and formed the Association of State Green Parties. Four years later, the state parties united as affiliates under the national Green Party of the United States.
The Green Party supports livable wages, universal health care (Medicare For All), repeal of Citizens United, free higher education, student debt forgiveness, full reproductive rights for women, human rights for all immigrants and for LGBTs, and racial justice: Black Lives Matter!
Registering to vote as a Green is a commitment to building an institution to fight for the world you want. Party affiliation doesn't begin and end with one election. Register to vote or changing your party registration can be done on-line at
The Green Party and the Independent Party are both much smaller rivals to the two main political parties in the United States - the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The Greens have been active as a third party in the United States since 2001.
If a person is registered to vote with a political party, that voter's record will include the party's name and/or abbreviation. If a person is registered to vote without a party affiliation, that voter's record will reflect no party affiliation and/or NPA.
A green party is a formally organized political party based on the principles of green politics, such as environmentalism and social justice. Green party platforms typically embrace social democratic economic policies and form coalitions with other left-wing parties.
Green Party of the United States (GPUS), U.S. national political party founded in 2001 and dedicated to progressive policies, in particular environmentalism. It supports social justice movements and legislative programs including Black Lives Matter, the Green New Deal, universal health care, and abortion rights. The Green Party of the United ...
The Green Party of the U.S. has gone through several evolutions, from debating theory and praxis in the 1980s, to starting state parties in the 1990s, to the founding of a national political party (recognized by the Federal Elections Commission) in the 2000s.