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  1. Results from the WOW.Com Content Network
  2. After installing KB2840149, Windows Server 2008 R2 is stuck in a...


    On Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Update is set to download updates but not install them until we tell it to. The ...

  3. Split the text file into smaller pieces -...


    Hi Guys, I'm trying to create a script in batch file or vbs to read a big text file with more than 200,000 lines ...

  4. AD FS - KB3003381 causes redirect loop on login


    Hi, I'm using AD FS 2.1 for SSO (2 IIS sites and several WCF services) but my users have been seeing redirect loops ...

  5. How to commit each transaction inside of Oracle insert statement...


    Hi, I am trying to use PowerShell to insert many rows into different tables. I found the dependencies between those ...

  6. Grant Access to Users OneDrive - social.technet.microsoft.com


    Is there a better way for Global Admins to grant themselves permissions to a users OneDrive other than one-by-one through the admin center?

  7. Loop through excel file sheets in ssis -...


    HI.. I have one excel file which is having dimensions meta data info in each sheet (One dimension info in each ...

  8. HELP: Windows Clients Loop Round When Changing An Expired...


    Hi, Something in the last few months has caused all of our Windows clients to be unable to change passwords ...

  9. Help Vbs script script to delete AD users, profils and home...


    that it automatically removes the sharing (profils and home drives) I did not need to add the script.. thank you. bonjour a tous, je cherche de l aide sur un script vbs. j aimerai pouvoir faire une suppression en masse d'utilisateurs dans l active directory a partir d un fichier TXT dans lequel j ai rajouté le login d'ouverture de session. j ai essayé de faire un script en me basant sur ...

  10. Script to loop through all mail profiles? -...


    Hi all, I have found a powershell script that loops through outlook registry key and searches for outlook profiles ...

  11. Convert a simple BASH construct to Powershell?


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