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  2. An list of exploiters and TOS breaking users - Roblox


    Introduction: Normally, when we see people exploiting, we normally just ban them. But there are two big problems with just doing this. First, they can just create alt accounts and come back. Second, they can just move to another game, and just exploit there. This resource aims to solve the second one. We have created an API to get users that we have caught using exploits/breaking TOS. You can ...

  3. In-Game Currency Gambling: Against TOS? - Roblox


    Hello all, I was wondering if it is against Roblox ToS to incorporate gambling features for an in-game currency. This in-game currency can be obtained through Robux purchases (Developer Products). HOWEVER, players do NOT have to purchase these products to gain in-game currency, as they can earn it freely & naturally by doing various things in the game, without spending a SINGLE robux With ...

  4. Questions about TOS regarding Gambling - Roblox


    However, it is important to note that Roblox’s policies are subject to change, so it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the latest updates to the Community Standards. Or I’m completely wrong, and I misunderstood the Roblox TOS.

  5. Blood and Roblox ToS - Game Design Support - DevForum


    Quick question, I’m making a game and I’m aware that the blood test that I am planning to do is against the Roblox ToS. Basicly, it’s not like the player has to collect blood from other player by needle, they just have to pick ready to use samples that the labolatory in-game has to check and then print the results.

  6. Is an AFK System agaisnt Roblox TOS?


    Trying to bypass this feature could violate Roblox’s TOS, as you’re overriding a core feature that they probably don’t want you to bypass. If you still want to do it, you can teleport the player to another game/server and then teleport them back to the main game before the 20 minutes are up.

  7. Questions regarding Roblox ToS and regarding blood & gore


    Ok so, I’ve been working on this blood/gore system module (which i’m planning to open-source) although i still have questions whether this type of content is appropriate for Roblox or not. This blood/gore system also have excessive amounts of blood (mentioned this just in case it has something to do with the question). Here’s a preview: <details><summary>Preview</summary></details> There ...

  8. Updates to the Roblox Terms of Use [January 2024]


    Outlining the rights related to moderation on Roblox. In Section 2f, we provided more information for users about how we enforce our community standards and clarified how we take swift action to quickly respond to any violating content or behavior on Roblox. Creator Terms. Section 6 clarifies when we may moderate Experiences.

  9. Confused on the Roblox TOS regarding gambling


    Hello all, I am currently working on an Arcade game where you earn in-game currency which can then be spent in various ways, the 2 main ways being in the item shop and the arcade games. The games are mostly sort of gambling-ish games, e.g. crash or cases I’m essentially looking for a way to tweak the gameplay to abide by the Roblox TOS as I understand any sort of gambling is a big no-no ...

  10. 40% Method. Is it against TOS? - Game Design Support - Roblox


    Hello! I’m not sure if this belongs in Game Design Support but it matches my topic the best so yeah. I was seeing all of these “40% method” videos on YouTube.

  11. Roblox Terms of Use Update


    Roblox IP includes UGC licensed to Roblox by Creators under the Creator Terms. Except as allowed in these User Terms or any other Roblox Terms, User may not use any Roblox IP contained in the Services unless User gets separate permission from the owner. - Roblox. However it seems this is contradicted by