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It features a filtering system for the catalog to only display objects with matching name or ID. The pass predictions generates, among other things, the time window, minimum elevation and the apparent brightness of the object in the sky. Satellite Tracking provides detailed real-time and pass predictions for Earth orbiting satellites.
The Falkau Atlas (Hans Vehrenberg). Stars to magnitude 13. Atlas Stellarum (Hans Vehrenberg). Stars to magnitude 14. True Visual Magnitude Photographic Star Atlas (Christos Papadopoulos). Stars to magnitude 13.5. The Cambridge Photographic Star Atlas, Axel Mellinger and Ronald Stoyan, 2011. Stars to magnitude 14, natural color, 1°/cm.
Screenshot of Aladin User Interface (Version 10) Aladin is an interactive software sky atlas, created in France.It allows the user to visualize digitized astronomical images, superimpose entries from astronomical catalogues or databases, and interactively access related data and information from the SIMBAD database, the VizieR service and other archives for all known sources in the field.
Online version of the SAO Catalog was created by the HEASARC in March 2001 based on ADC/CDS Catalog I/131A, which itself is originally derived from a character-coded machine-readable version of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog (SAO, SAO Staff 1966) prepared by T.A. Nagy in 1979, and subsequently modified over the next ...
Uranometria 's page of the constellation Orion. Uranometria is a star atlas produced by Johann Bayer.It was published in Augsburg in 1603 by Christoph Mang (Christophorus Mangus) [1] under the full title Uranometria: omnium asterismorum continens schemata, nova methodo delineata, aereis laminis expressa (from Latin: Uranometria, containing charts of all the constellations, drawn by a new ...
A celestial map by the Dutch cartographer Frederik de Wit, 1670. A star chart is a celestial map of the night sky with astronomical objects laid out on a grid system. They are used to identify and locate constellations, stars, nebulae, galaxies, and planets. [1]
Palisa-Wolf-Sternatlas - picture in the star constellation Orion. The Palisa-Wolf-Star Map or Palisa-Wolf-Star Atlas (German: Palisa-Wolf-Sternatlas) is a map series produced between 1900 and 1916 as well as published between 1900 and 1931, which shows the entire starry sky visible in Europe in 210 large-scale sheets.
Due to the very slow pole motion of the Earth, the Celestial Ephemeris Pole (CEP, or celestial pole) does not stay still on the surface of the Earth.The Celestial Ephemeris Pole is calculated from observation data, and is averaged, so it differs from the instantaneous rotation axis by quasi-diurnal terms, which are as small as under 0.01" (see [6]).